6 ☠️

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We both stared at each other for a good second as he quickly let go. "Sorry," he said after finding me already standing a few feet away from him. He chuckled, ruffling my hair. "Come on, we should probably check if there's anything we could use." There were all sorts of different foods. From flour to spices. Potatoes to milk and eggs. "With all the dust around here I can only assume it hasn't been opened for a while," I noted. "Meaning this probably hasn't been poisoned."

Changbin stared at me. "What if it has been?" I pondered over it for a while. "That depends on the type of poison. If they used venoms or toxins, after this long it shouldn't really be harmful anymore, however many other poisons are small molecules which over time will degrade. But it all depends on the chemicals in it whether it will become more or less poisonous."

I saw Changbin looking somewhat puzzled. "Oh, something to remember is the difference between venom and poison. The difference is that venom basically eats you, while you eat poison. For example, if a snake bites you and you get ill, it's venomous, however plants can be poisonous since we eat them" I smiled. "But I'm quite sure all that's here is safe. They probably won't kill everyone in the first day, so we should be good!"

Changbin's smile widened. "Come on, let's get back to tell the others! Maybe they've found something as well." We both went out again, me already walking up front. "Y/N..." Changbin called out, trying his best not to laugh. I turned back, seeing him still stand in front of the door. "What?" I asked confused. "Ah, should we put something on here to indicate which is it?" Changbin shook his head. "Though it's a good idea, that's not what I mean..."

My brows furrowed, growing more and more confused by the second. "Than what?" He finally let out a laugh. "You're going the wrong way." I let out an annoyed groan. "Not again!" I yelled, waking back and past Changbin, this time in the right direction. He chuckled, putting a piece of wood from inside the storage room in front of the door to remember it, though frankly it was quite easy to spot, seeing how it had a huge dent in it from when Changbin kicked it in.

He sped up to me, taking my hand in his to my surprise. "What are you doing?" I asked confused, pulling my hand back. Changbin seemed to become slightly embarrassed as well, as if he didn't think much of it before. "I just thought it might be a good idea so we wouldn't get separated, that's all!" he exclaimed hurriedly. "I'll just follow you, no worries," I answered sheepishly. He nodded, and the two of us walking back in an awkward silence.

"Y/N, Changbin, you guys are back!" Jeongin called out happily, already waving his arms through the air. Hyunjin stood next to him, looking away as soon as our eyes met. "Guys, we found food!" I shouted, too excited to wait with telling them. Jeongin's face lit up as well as Hyunjin's, the two hugging each other like their life depended on it.

Jeongin was first to let go, instead running up to me to engulf me in a big hug. "You're the best!" I simply stood there, unsure of whether to push him back or not. "Ah, you guys were already back," I heard Minho say, quickly getting out of the hug as Jeongin's attention shifted to the duo that just arrived.

"Did you guys find anything?" Jisung asked, standing close to Minho. "Y/N and I found food! We just have to maybe find some place to cook or bake, but maybe there's something here!" Hyunjin nodded. "Jeongin and I checked, there's an entire kitchen built in here, so that shouldn't be a problem." Changbin's gaze shifted to Minho and Jisung. "What about you guys? Did you find anything?"

Minho shook his head. "Sadly nothing besides the room we already had. If we're going to sleep it's probably going to be all cuddled up." You've got to be kidding me. "I'll stay up to keep watch," I quickly replied. There was no way I'd stay that close to guys I only just met. Even though it was clear that they didn't have any problems with it, I just couldn't...

I remember, when I misbehaved, especially when outside, my dad would hug me. Though for normal people it would seem like he was consoling me, all he did was put his strong arms around me just a little too tight to show the strength he had, or what he could do with it. My mom however would always have her arms open in case I did need a hug. It took a lot of time, but in the end I learned to trust her. There was no way I'd trust anyone else this fast.

"You shouldn't stay up all night, I think it would be best to change shifts every hour or so so we could al het some sleep," Changbin answered. The others seemed to agree easily luckily enough. "Ah, I guesd we're last," I heard Chan chime. "I heard something about staying awake in shifts?" I hummed in response. "Sounds good to me!" Felix responded. I could hear Seungmin groan. That guy seemed to really love his sleep.

Chan held some sort of paper up as he got closer. "It's not much what we found, but I think this might really help," he said somewhat proudly. As we got a closer look, Jeongin and my eyes widened, the both of us looking at each other in excitement.

"A map!"

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