Chapter 17 - Home Again

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Summary: Mipha, Link, and family arrive home in Zora's Domain and resume life there.

It was a clear early evening in Zora's Domain as King Dorephan paced back and forth in the throne room, now and then looking southwest across the Great Zora Bridge. His family was due back tonight, and he couldn't wait for them to be home! And so, his gaze kept returning to Lake Ruto below the Great Zora Bridge, where he hoped to catch the first glimpse of their return.

His family's absence had been difficult for him, even more so than he first imagined. He knew it would be hard since Mipha and Sidon had never both been away from home at the same time like this. But his children were growing up, he realized, even little Sidon, and he had to accept that. Indeed, Mipha was already a mother herself. He realized it was not fair to deny Sidon the chance to see Hyrule, so he agreed to their journey.

He had put his feelings out of his mind during the day by keeping busy, meeting with the council of elders, the royal secretary, and others. It was after the day was over that he had difficulty. During these quiet moments in the evening, he grew lonely and felt a wave of melancholy wash over him.

He wished his dear wife could have been with him now. He always missed her, of course, but especially so at moments like this. It would have thrilled her to see how well their children had grown and for the chance to spend time with their adorable grandchildren. And of course, they would have each other for companionship to enjoy those moments together.

But was it really that long ago already? If he closed his eyes, he could still see his dear wife standing beside him after she finished playing with little Mipha in Mikau Lake, teaching her to swim up waterfalls.

"Isn't she the most adorable?" his wife had said as they stood with their arms around each other, watching Mipha chase fish. "I think my skin color suits her, don't you?"

"You and she look so much alike, dear. And that's one reason she is so adorable, like you," said King Dorephan as he hugged his wife.

"But I can see she has your quickness and strength," said his wife with a smile. "She's very active and learns quickly. I think she will make a fine ruler someday. And I love the name we chose."

"It is a beautiful name," said King Dorephan. "But it's kind of you to say 'we.' It was mostly your idea, dear."

King Dorephan shook his head. Now Sidon was already bigger than Mipha was in that memory.

But Mipha had indeed been such a blessing! After his dear wife passed, Mipha had understood everything. Without being asked, and while they were both still grieving, she had offered to help ease his burden of caring for Sidon. Maybe that was Mipha's way of keeping busy, too, helping her cope with their terrible loss. Mipha was ever the thoughtful one, seeking ways to help others. And that's what helped her become acquainted with a little four-year-old Hylian boy that would grow up to change so many lives.

King Dorephan turned and glanced up once again, then grew excited. Did his eyes just deceive him, or did he see people swimming towards the domain?

In Ruto Lake's calm waters, three ducks scattered as six Zoras and a Hylian swam toward the waterfall below the Great Zora Bridge.

"Race you!" shouted Tidon, and he, Raypha, and Sidon swam full speed ahead and then up the waterfall.

"They still have so much energy before sleep time!" Link laughed, shaking his head.

"I knew that would happen when we ate Staminoka Bass for dinner," laughed Mipha. "But the sight of home curls my fins. Thank you, Gaddison and Rivan, for all you did to make our trip safe and enjoyable."

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