Chapter 14 - Seaside Holiday

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Summary: The children are old enough to travel further, and take a brief family vacation for some Hyrule sightseeing.

"Wow! It's magnificent, Mom," said Tidon as he paused to stare at Lake Hylia from the Hylia River. Mipha, Link, Raypha and Tidon were taking their first trip to the famous lake now that the children were old enough to swim longer distances.

"It's huge!" exclaimed Raypha.

"It is, isn't it?" said Mipha.

"I'm exhausted," said Link, grateful for the pause as he struggled to catch his breath. They had swum down the Hylia River together, and despite the Zora Armor, Link had trouble keeping up with the rest of the family toward the final part of the swim.

"Come on, Dad, we've got you," said Raypha as she swam up next to him and took his hand. "We're almost there. Ti, lend us a fin. We'll pull Dad the rest of the way."

"Sure, Ray," said Tidon swimming over to Link and grasping Link's other hand. "You should have spoken up sooner, Dad. Were we going too fast for you?"

"No, no, it's fine, and it's a good exercise for me," said Link. "I do need to stay fit. I'm just a bit winded for the moment."

"That's a funny expression!" laughed Raypha. "What does 'winded' mean?"

"Oh, it means out of breath, breathing hard from overexertion," explained Link.

"Oh! You mean you're gill gulping," laughed Raypha. "Your expressions are so funny, Dad!"

"Now, don't make fun of your father, Raypha," laughed Mipha. "Remember, he only breathes air."

"It's okay, Raypha sweetheart," said Link as he gently stroked Raypha's head. "Your Mom does it to me all the time, and I love learning how you express things. You go on correcting me all you want."

"I can see you don't need my help, sweetheart," laughed Mipha. "We can stop for the night at the large island near the center of the western half of the lake. Come on!"

With the children pulling him, they made rapid progress across the lake and swam under the majestic Bridge of Hylia until they reached Hylia Island by the small pier.

"Finally on land," said Link as he waded ashore. "It's wonderful that we can travel safely now. This place used to be crawling with Lizalfos."

"What's a Lizalfos?" said Tidon.

"Sorry, Tidon, it was a horrible two-legged monster that was quick on its feet and quick to attack. Mom and I dealt with a lot of them soon after we married," said Link. "Thank Hylia that they're gone now, at least in most of Hyrule."

"It's beautiful here," said Raypha. "The water is so clear and deep. I can sense a lot of fish nearby. Come on, Ti! The first one to catch two fish wins!"

Raypha and Tidon dove back underwater, and a moment later, Raypha surfaced, holding two fish.

"Fine, you win this time," said Tidon as he surfaced, holding two fish a moment later. "But, I think you spotted the fish before you called the race."

Link lit a fire and prepared to cook his fish on a stick while the other three sat down to eat.

"Did you and Mom come this way together, Dad?" said Tidon.

"No, this was not on the way to any of our destinations, so I'm glad we're visiting together now," said Link. "I came this way on my own once or twice before I traveled with your Mom."

"I see there is one of those Shrines here that you told us about, Dad," said Raypha. "But it looks like you didn't open this one."

"No, as I said, we didn't need to come this way," said Link. "And there is no reason to open it now. Our mission is over."

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