Chapter 5 - Queen Zelda

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Summary: After a month of restoration and recovery for both Zelda and Hyrule, Zelda returns to Hyrule Castle and is crowned Queen of Hyrule.

"Where's Mipha?" said Zelda. "Shouldn't you be with her?"

"She's in a late meeting with one of the architects," said Link. "She asked me to go check on you."

It was early evening in Kakariko Village, and Zelda was walking with Link near the statue of Hylia while two Royal Guard trainees walked several paces behind them. It was a clear night, just a few clouds in the darkening sky, and a pleasant time for taking a stroll.

"Mipha is so sweet," said Zelda. "She's always thinking of others."

"Yes, and that saved her life," said Link. "But I've been thinking about you too, Zelda."

"I know you have," said Zelda as she looked over at him and smiled. "And it's been wonderful having both of you here with me these past weeks. It helped me more than you know."

"I do notice a change in you," said Link as they walked past the shops. "You're like your old self again, Zelda."

"What? A spoiled brat?" laughed Zelda.

"No, not that far back," laughed Link. "More like the person I remember after we got over our difficulties. You're sleeping through the night now, right?"

"Yes," said Zelda. "I was always fine during the day when I kept busy, but at night, my mind would drift back to what happened. I would dream about that terrible day, Link, the two of us running for our lives from all the Guardians. I could hear their horrible sounds and smell the smoke and fire from their weapons. And then I would remember it was all my fault that hundreds of people died because of my failure. I lost an entire kingdom and let everyone down. My father spoke of rumors I would inherit a kingdom of nothing, and it turned out to be all too true. Then I would wake up shivering, afraid to fall back asleep, and take walks until I was exhausted."

"We've been telling you from the beginning that it wasn't your fault, Zelda," said Link. "And Hyrule needs you."

"Yes, everything you've been telling me these past weeks has finally started to sink in," said Zelda. "You joked about me being all you had, but I realize it's true. I am all that's left of Hyrule's royal family and Hylia's bloodline. I have a duty, a responsibility to our people, and it's helped me to think about the future."

"So, the nightmares have finally stopped?" said Link.

"Yes. I force myself to think of other things when my mind wanders back to that day," said Zelda. "I think of happy times, anything to get my mind off what happened. And it seems to be working."

"I'm glad," said Link as he smiled at her. "But I'm still upset at you for not letting Impa summon us here sooner. You should feel free to call on us whenever you need help, Zelda. I keep telling you that you're not alone, that we will do all we can for you. We both love you and want you to be well and do well."

"I do know that, Link," said Zelda. "And I am forever grateful."

They walked in silence for another moment toward the end of the village, where they could see two Sheikah watching the road.

"We should be getting back," said Zelda. "Thanks for the company."

"I'm your knight, Zelda," said Link. "I'm here for you whenever you need me."

Zelda smiled as they turned back toward the village center.

"Yes, I know that. I tried to fire you once, but it didn't stick," laughed Zelda. "I'm glad it didn't. Knowing I can count on you has helped me, and I promise I will call upon you if I need to. But I won't abuse your kindness either. Let's say goodnight now."

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