Chapter 45 - Confrontation

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Summary: Zelda decides they should attempt to open the secret door, and Link travels to the Forgotten Temple to do so. The Yiga Clan attacks with possibly terrible consequences.

The evening was dark and stormy, the relentless rain creating a rhythmic sound as it splattered against the chalky cliffs of the Breach of Demise. The Yiga spy, disguised as Landon earlier that day, waited patiently for his colleague to arrive. The Breach of Demise was ideal for their meeting, with its numerous nooks and crannies providing perfect hiding spots. Despite the heavy rainfall, his Sheikah-modeled clothing remained completely dry, a testament to its waterproof design.

The newcomer appeared abruptly, skipping any formalities and getting straight to the point.

"What's your update for our Master?" he demanded.

"I've made significant progress in just one day," replied the spy confidently. "I've managed to infiltrate the temple and glimpse the sealed door. Unfortunately, our magic is not strong enough to open it. We'll have to rely on our enemies for that."

The other Yiga member nodded thoughtfully. "With respect to that, I've obtained valuable information," he disclosed. "It seems that Link's legendary sword is required to unlock the door. Our best course of action is to closely watch Link and his movements."

"Agreed," said the spy. "If Link heads to the temple, we must be prepared to attack. Do you have any other updates?"

"Only that we should continue meeting at night when the Rito have poor vision," advised his companion. "Word has spread that they are now more vigilant than ever, using their sharp avian eyesight to patrol from above."

"Understood," acknowledged the spy. "Any other news?"

"Unfortunately, no. We've had little luck in convincing more Hyrule traitors to join us. With Lord Ganon's defeat, we have little to offer them regarding rewards or promises for their betrayal."

"Well, I need some rest. Tomorrow will be another busy work day for me."

With a mystical wave of their hands, the two Yiga members activated their teleportation magic and vanished into the darkness, leaving behind only the sound of rain and distant thunder as a reminder of their presence.

The storm ended during the night, and rays of sunlight danced across the small family dining room in Hyrule Castle, illuminating Queen Zelda as she sat alone at the table. She savored her breakfast, taking delicate sips of tea in between bites of fruit and toast. Checking the time, she saw that Mipha and Link would be free now, their children safely with their tutors. She sighed softly, setting down her cup and picking up her Sheikah Slate. Then, she transmitted a message to them with a few swift movements, requesting a video call.

In Zora's Domain, Mipha and Link were just finishing tidying up at home after dropping off their children with their tutors when their Sheikah Slate chimed with a message. Mipha retrieved it and read the urgent request from Zelda before passing it to Link with a sigh.

"I'm pretty sure I know what this is about," said Mipha as Link read the brief message.

Dear Mipha and Link,

Can we please have a conference call to discuss the Forgotten Temple?

"Why don't you place the call," said Mipha, and Link nodded.

Link pressed the rune Purah had installed on all their devices, and a moment later, they could see Zelda sitting at the breakfast table.

"Good morning. I hope you are both doing well," she said.

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