Chapter 38 - Recovery

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Summary: Raypha and Tidon return from their sleepover. Mipha recalls the day she and Link first kissed in more detail than Link remembered.

It was a gently raining morning in Zora's Domain as its inhabitants began their daily routines. Daytime guards came on duty, replacing those who had worked during the night. Shop owners busily replenished their merchandise and arranged it for the coming day's commerce. The air was filled with appreciative remarks about the morning's fine weather, intermingled with warm greetings. People could be seen tilting their heads upwards, basking in the refreshing touch of the raindrops cascading down from above.

Along the path to Mikau Lake, Sidon was escorting his niece and nephew back from an overnight sleepover stay.

"We're okay from here, Uncle Sidon," Tidon assured, their house coming into view.

"Thank you for a great time," Raypha chimed in. "We always have fun playing with you."

"It was my pleasure, and thanks for inviting me to yesterday's picnic," Sidon replied, sharing a warm embrace with each of them. "You two are becoming quite good at tag! I'll have to up my game."

Waving farewell, Sidon retraced his steps and smiled to himself as he thought about the prior day's events. Playing with Raypha and Tidon had been great fun for him, too, as he was still very much a kid himself. But he also took pleasure in knowing that he was considered responsible enough now to look after his niece and nephew. He felt proud and happy about beginning to repay his dear sister for all the times she took care of him growing up. For that matter, though, she was still taking care of him.

"Mom! Dad! We're home!" Tidon's voice rang through their house as he and Raypha stepped inside.

But, save for the gentle patter of rain against the windows, only silence greeted them.

"Shh! I guess they might still be sleeping," Raypha cautioned in a hushed tone.

"Seriously?" Tidon murmured. "First, Dad's been sleeping late every day, and now Mom is too?"

"Let's check their room," Raypha suggested quietly.

They moved further into the house, noticing the door to their parents' bedroom ajar, revealing an empty room.

"That's odd. They're not here," said Raypha, a touch of unease in her voice.

"Maybe they're just up early," Tidon suggested.

"Possibly. But Tidon, haven't you noticed that Mom's been colder to Dad lately? It's like they're drifting apart, which worries me," Raypha observed.

"She has?"

"Seriously? Didn't you catch their behavior at our picnic, for example, and how disconnected they were? Before Mom joined us to play tag, she and Dad just sat there, hardly saying a word to each other. They're usually so close—arms wrapped around each other, sharing kisses, and laughing. None of that happened yesterday."

"Now that you mention it, that's true," Tidon admitted a realization dawning on him. "But how do you know it isn't Dad being colder to Mom?"

"Because he still addresses her as sweetheart and dear, and she doesn't reply the same way," said Raypha. "Don't you pay any attention to conversations?"

"I guess not as well as you," acknowledged Tidon. "But let's not worry too much: they might have just gotten up early. Speaking of which, we should go catch breakfast and enjoy the rain while it lasts. Let's head to the lake."

Meanwhile, Mipha awoke in the tranquil waters of Veiled Falls. She found herself floating face up, her arms wrapped around Link, who lay on top of her, his head resting on her chest. The sound of the waterfall filled the air while the water around her was covered with floating Silent Princess and Blue Nightshade flowers. These delicate blooms brought back happy memories of the night before, the surprise Link had planned. It was so romantic and sweet of Link to do that, and to bring her here, where their love story had begun.

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