Chapter 21 - Father Daughter Time

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Summary: Link and his daughter Raypha spend a day together, and Link explains how he came by the Master Sword.

"Mm, mm! That was a splendid breakfast if I don't say so myself," said Link proudly after he swallowed the last bite of a crab dish with rice that he had prepared from two Bright Eyed Crabs, Rock Salt, and some Hylian Rice. "Next time, I think I'll add just a pinch of Goron Spice to give it a bit more flavor. But I feel quite the culinary master now."

It was morning in Zora's Domain, and Mipha, Raypha, and Tidon had long since finished their fish, but everyone was still seated at the breakfast table.

"Did you learn how to make it yourself, Dad?" asked Tidon.

"Well, no," Link admitted. "I got the recipe during one of my trips to Hyrule Castle. Somehow the topic of meals came up when I was meeting with Zelda - funny how that is. Anyway, she showed me a cookbook from the castle library, and this was one of the recipes. I made a point of remembering it because I knew I could find all the ingredients locally."

"I'm glad we could watch you enjoy it, sweetheart," said Mipha. "And the culinary master didn't even burn his hand like the last time he cooked rice."

"Was it my fault the spoon slipped when I stirred the rice, and my instinct was to lunge for it as it fell into the boiling water? But thank you again for healing my hand."

"It was my pleasure. I think healing you is one of my unspoken wedding vows, dearest," said Mipha. "Anyway, it's time for me to attend a council meeting with Father. Sidon said he was free this morning to play with the children. Are both of you ready to go?"

"I'm ready," said Tidon. "I always have a great time with Uncle Sidon!"

"Unless I am in the way, I'd rather stay with Dad today," said Raypha.

"Of course, you won't be in the way, sweetheart. I'd love your company," said Link. "But are you sure you won't have more fun playing with your uncle and brother? I'm fine being alone for a while if that's what's on your mind."

"I'd rather stay," said Raypha. "It's not like I don't have fun with Uncle Sidon and sometimes even my brother."

At that, Tidon and Raypha each stuck out their tongues at each other.

"But today, I'd like to swim with you, Dad," Raypha continued.

"After that enormous breakfast, some strenuous swimming sounds like an excellent idea," said Mipha. "If you change your mind, Raypha, Dad can always drop you off later. Now I must go, or Father will lecture me on punctuality. Come on, Tidon."

Everyone hugged goodbye, then Mipha left with Tidon while Raypha helped wash the dishes and put them away as Link cleaned the cooking pot.

"Thanks, sweetheart," said Link as he kissed Raypha on the forehead.

"Ready for some swimming, Dad?"

"Sure. Where would you like to swim?"

"To keep out of Uncle Sidon's and Ti's way, let's swim up the falls here, then walk over to Lulu Lake," said Raypha.

"Let me change into my armor, and I'll be ready to go," said Link.

Link returned to the room he shared with Mipha, slipped into his Zora Armor, and retrieved the Master Sword. Then he rejoined Raypha, and they made their way out the door to Mikau Lake. It was a sunny morning with a gentle breeze, and a family of ducks was paddling about the lake.

"Race you up the two falls!" said Raypha over the splashing noise of the falls.

"You're on! I should warn you I'm getting better."

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