Chapter 46 - Make a Wish

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Summary: Link emerges from the Gate of Time. The Yiga Clan tests one of the newly discovered weapons.

Link felt himself running and gaining ground, but the narrow, winding tunnel from the Gate of Time seemed to stretch on endlessly. Some instinct made him rush, his footfalls echoing against the mysterious walls. The eerie darkness was dizzying, and he was tempted to turn back at one point, thinking his path led nowhere. But then he caught a glimmer of light in the distance, and his heart leaped excitedly. As he pressed on, the light grew larger and brighter until it filled his vision like a beacon guiding him out of the shadows. He quickened his pace with renewed determination until he finally emerged into blinding sunlight.

He had to shield his eyes for a moment to adjust to the sudden brightness, and when he lowered his hand, he found himself standing in the open air. The portal behind him disappeared with a soft whirring sound, leaving only the same ratcheting wheel he had entered back at the Forgotten Temple.

As his vision returned, his eyes widened in wonder as he took in his surroundings. No longer was he inside the dark, Forgotten Temple. Instead, he found himself in a clearing surrounded by towering trees and vibrant foliage. A beautiful melody played on a string instrument filled the air, accompanied by the joyous chirping of birds. Overlooking it all was the same grand statue of Hylia, now gleaming white and untouched by time. But it wasn't just its appearance that had changed. Resting upon the statue's chest was a dazzling golden triangle, emitting its own brilliant light and adding to the already mesmerizing scene before him.

At first, he considered returning and informing the others of what he had found. But then he at once thought better of it. What if this device was built for use only once? Then, he would have squandered whatever hope this structure offered. So, he had to stay and explore on his own, returning when he either found something useful or confirmed there was nothing to be found.

Meanwhile, the air inside the Yiga Clan hideout buzzed with excitement and triumph, starkly contrasting with the heavy gloom weighing down the Forgotten Temple.

"We lost a couple of soldiers, but the operation was a success, Master," the lead on the raid reported. "We captured what we overheard their scientist describing as powerful weapons," he said proudly, prompting cheers to fill the room.

"Excellent!" the Yiga Clan master exclaimed, rubbing his hands together in satisfaction.

"Now we can finally destroy all of Hyrule," said his second in command, a malicious grin spreading across his face.

But the master's expression quickly turned stern.

"You are still such a fool!" He reprimanded his second. "Our goal is the conquest of Hyrule, not its destruction. We need it to thrive if we wish to continue thriving ourselves. Are you going to grow or hunt your own food, mend your own clothes, repair bridges and roads? And where will our organization's next generation of recruits come from?"

"But with these weapons in hand, we can easily defeat our enemies!" His second argued.

"Yes, but we will use them strategically," agreed the master. "Sometimes, the threat of their use can be more powerful than the actual use itself. With these weapons, we can negotiate Hyrule's surrender without having to cause unnecessary destruction."

"Queen Zelda will never surrender if I know anything of the royal family. Nor will her hero Link or even the other races, especially not the Gerudo," interjected another member of the clan.

"I believe otherwise," said the master confidently. "Zelda almost lost her kingdom once before. She may be more willing to make concessions now."

"And if she doesn't?" asked his second.

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