Chapter 39 - Leaks Without Water

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Summary: Someone at Hyrule Castle is spying on behalf of the Yiga Clan. Zelda convenes a meeting to discuss what to do about the information found in the ancient chest.

On a calm, late evening in Castle Town, the cloudless sky was adorned with bright stars and a slender crescent moon. The day's bustle was winding down as merchants packed away their goods and secured their shops for the night. A small yet eager crowd seized the opportunity for a late-night bargain as they huddled around food stalls offering discounted perishables that required sale today or disposal.

However, one solitary figure went unnoticed among the late-night shoppers. Shrouded in a hood drawn low over their face, this lone soul made their way to a humble stone memorial near the town square — a sad testament to the souls lost to the Calamity. They gently placed a bouquet of four luminescent Blue Nightshade flowers at the site, their radiant glow bright against the darkness. Pausing momentarily in what appeared to be a silent prayer, the figure then slipped away and vanished into the night.

The following day brought a storm from the Lanayru Sea, transforming the evening's weather into gusting winds and relentless rain. The individual who had left the flowers lamented their misfortune at traveling in such inclement conditions. Nevertheless, they trudged onward in the late-night downpour, their path leading westward past the old quarry towards the Carok Bridge.

As they hoped, they had the road all to themselves, and the short stone tunnel before the bridge gave them a brief respite from the storm's fury. But as they exited the tunnel, the sound of a distant conversation carried by the wind shattered their illusion of solitude. It signaled the approach of two Hyrule Guards who were patrolling the road from the west and making their way across the wooden bridge. This was more bad luck, as guards were seldom seen on this typically desolate stretch of road. However, recent orders from castle security had instituted random patrols, making such encounters unpredictable.

Intent on remaining unnoticed, the traveler veered off the path, rapidly seeking shelter behind a tall rock outcropping to their left, just behind an old unused well. To ensure their concealment, they retrieved a vial of purple liquid from their pouch, then managed to barely avoid gagging as they swallowed the bitter concoction. Hidden behind the rock, they waited, breath held, until the guards' voices and footsteps faded into the stormy night.

Once the coast was clear, the traveler resumed their slow and steady journey. Upon reaching Carok Bridge, they were greeted by the steady drum of heavy raindrops against the wooden surface and the rush of water from the Regencia River below. Casting a vigilant glance around, the figure crossed the bridge, then carefully veered to their right and climbed down into a small hollow in the cliffs that formed the easternmost edge of the Breach of Demise. Another figure awaited them there.

"It's about time," uttered the shadow-clad figure in a hushed tone. "We received your signal. What information do you bring?"

The speaker's identity was shrouded in mystery. A mask concealed their face, and their voice was unrecognizable. You couldn't tell if the person speaking was a man or a woman. But then again, it didn't really matter, for these people could disguise themselves as either.

"I've got something important, but it's going to cost you extra," the first figure firmly replied. "And I need another vial of your stealthy elixir. I ran into a couple of guards on my way here."

"I hope you're using these elixirs sparingly," the second figure remarked, exchanging a new vial for the empty one offered. "Ingredients are scarce, and our reserves are not as plentiful as they used to be."

"Believe me, I only drink it when I absolutely have to. What? Do you think I enjoy its foul taste? Anyway, I need you to pay me triple tonight because I have some valuable information."

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