Chapter 49 - Wedding Rehearsal

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Summary: Queen Zelda and Royce's wedding rehearsal takes place at Hyrule Castle.

It was a beautiful sunny morning in Zora's Domain, and Mipha, Link, Raypha, and Tidon were finishing breakfast when the Sheikah Slate on the table began buzzing with an incoming call. Link handed the device to Mipha without even looking at it.

"Good morning, Zelda, "Mipha greeted, smiling knowingly at Link.

"Good morning, Mipha. Do you know what time you'll be arriving? I could really use your company," said Zelda, her voice tinged with anxiety.

"Calm down, Zelda. Everything will be alright," reassured Mipha. "We should be there in a few hours."

"Please come straight to my room when you arrive," requested Zelda. "I imagine your family can find things to do during our time together?"

"Yes, they'll be fine," said Mipha. "Now I must go so we can start our journey. Take a deep breath, and don't stress. I'll see you soon."

"Thank you. I can't wait for you to get here," said Zelda as they ended the call.

"Is that like her hundredth call this past month?" asked Link. "It's been very sweet of you to be so supportive. You've been a lifesaver to her all this time."

"It's what I do," joked Mipha. "But seriously, she's very anxious about the wedding and has no family or other close friends to confide in. That's why she calls me."

"I wish your healing powers worked on mental issues like nervousness," said Link.

"I wish that, too, sweetheart," added Mipha with a smile. "Just imagine all the kisses we could have shared on our journey across Hyrule if I could have cured a certain someone of his shyness."

Raypha and Tidon both joined in on the laughter while Link shook his head.

"Anyway, let's meet Sidon and get ready to leave," suggested Link.

It had been a month since Mipha and Link's visit to Hyrule Castle, and tomorrow was the day of Zelda's wedding to Royce. Zelda had invited Mipha's entire family to attend, and as part of the wedding party, Mipha was required to arrive a day early for the rehearsal that afternoon.

"Before we go, just a reminder," Mipha told Raypha and Tidon. "We can have fun at the reception afterward, but tomorrow is Zelda and Royce's special day, so let's ensure we're respectful and quiet during the ceremony. We want everything to go perfectly for the happy couple."

"Of course, Mom," Tidon replied. "We're teenagers now, not little kids anymore. We know how to behave."

"Sometimes I find little kids less troublesome than teenagers," laughed Mipha.

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll make sure Tidon behaves properly," Raypha joked.

"Very funny, Ray," Tidon said. "But I'm excited to see what a royal wedding is like. It must be really special. I wish I could have seen Mom's and Dad's."

"I think your grandfather would have been very upset with me if you had," Link laughed. "But I expect it will be a beautiful event, with a lavish feast afterward."

"Yes, let's not forget the most important part - the feast, dearest," teased Mipha. "Shall we go?"

As they made their way to the plaza to meet Sidon, "I'm surprised Father didn't accept the invitation," said Link.

"I talked to him about it," said Mipha, recalling their conversation.

"Why won't you attend, Father?" Mipha asked. "It will be fun and good for you to get out. The other rulers from different regions will all be there."

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