Chapter 30 - Love and Memories

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Summary: Zelda reminisces a bit before getting an update on Purah's and Robbie's research. Sidon plays big uncle as Mipha and Link share married life.

It was early morning as the sun cast its first light into the intimate private dining room in the heart of Hyrule Castle's living quarters. Queen Zelda was seated alone there, savoring the delicate flavor of her morning tea and relishing the tranquil solitude along with the sun's warmth on her face as it shone through the tall windows. The early hours were a sacred time for her, a calm retreat for her thoughts before the bustle of court life began. She used this time to review reports from the previous night and map out the coming day's events. And sometimes also to reminisce.

But today brought something she looked forward to. Unlike some mornings consumed with minister meetings, she planned to visit the Royal Ancient Tech Lab today and learn what was new. It had been a week since a chest of ancient Sheikah documents had been discovered in a tunnel below the castle, and she wondered how their translation was faring and if they held any valuable secrets.

A ray of sunlight reflected off an ornate silver spoon resting by her teacup and caught her eye. It was one of the old family possessions that had miraculously survived the castle's destruction. She remembered that spoon with its peculiarly shaped handle, as her mother used to stir her tea with it. And like so many places and things in the castle, it and the family dining room held childhood memories for her.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart! Father and I had that fruit cake you love so much made for your special day," said her mother as she placed a cake decorated with six candles before her.

"The fruit cake your mother also loves, by the way," said her father, making her mother laugh. "But yes, happy birthday!" he continued. "Six years old already! You're growing up so fast, Zelda."

"Now, close your eyes and make a wish, sweetheart," said her mother."

Then she made a wish she didn't remember and blew out the candles.

It was a happy birthday, maybe her happiest. But sadly, most of her early memories, like this one, were bittersweet. Her seventh birthday was quite different, though her father tried his best to bring joy into a somber atmosphere. But nothing was ever the same after her mother passed.

Her breakfast had been a delicious mushroom omelet, a simple yet flavorful dish that coaxed a wistful smile onto her face. That, too, had brought back a memory, though a happier one she could still laugh at. The taste of it whisked her back to a memorable episode with Link when he served as her knight attendant.

They had been riding silently side-by-side on a cloudy, cool evening, their journey stretching into the twilight as they guided their weary horses past the serene waters of Baltrea Lake. Their journey back to Hyrule Castle was taking longer than expected, extended by an unforeseen rain delay that forced them to seek temporary shelter under a tree.

She hadn't minded the delay: it was a chance to converse with Link, draw him out a bit, and perhaps learn more about his thoughts and feelings. Sadly, though, she invariably did most of the talking, no matter how hard she tried. Link was certainly the strong silent type!

But it was getting late now, and pesky Keese were beginning to flit about the night air, their presence hinting at the encroaching darkness. She hated Keese. Besides their ability to inflict a nasty bite, she always worried about one getting tangled up in her hair, which would definitely make her panic! It was then that Link broke the silence.

"I suggest we stay the night at Riverside Stable, just up ahead," Link suggested, his voice carrying the weight of their shared fatigue. "We and our steeds could use the rest, and the night is fast approaching."

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