Chapter 37 - Making Amends

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Summary: Mipha tries getting over her jealousy while Link works on doing something special for her.

"It hasn't worked - not yet," Mipha thought to herself as she awoke floating in their slumber pool with Link still fast asleep beside her. As she gazed at him, the first thing she felt was the familiar pang of jealousy from the past two days.

She had hoped spending so much time in each other's arms yesterday would wash it all away, make things like they used to be. And it had for a time. But as a new day dawned, her unsettled feelings had returned.

She realized it was not entirely Link's fault. His Hylian nature couldn't comprehend the intense possessiveness female Zoras felt towards their beloveds. The thought of Link being alone with someone who once had a crush on him and who had competed with her for his affection made her insides burn.

Kodah was outgoing and assertive - she had boldly dragged Link onto the dance floor at Ali's party right in front of her. And kind-hearted Link was too nice to object. Kodah said she was seeing someone now, but was she sending Mipha a message? You might have gotten Link as your husband, but I can still get him to do what I ask.

Mipha desperately wanted this sting of jealousy to be gone soon. Perhaps it just needed more time - and Link's unwavering affection. Her brooding was cut short by the sounds of Raypha and Tidon returning home with the morning catch. Slipping silently from the pool, Mipha left the bedroom, softly shutting the door on her sleeping husband.

"Morning, Mom," both children said simultaneously.

"Good morning, and thanks for catching breakfast," said Mipha.

"Dad's still asleep?" asked Raypha.

"Yes, and he may well sleep for a while longer," said Mipha. "We shouldn't wait for him."

"I'll put his Hyrule Bass on ice for him then," said Raypha.

After Raypha took care of Link's fish, they all sat down to eat.

"Will Dad be sleeping in like this from now on, Mom?" Tidon asked, looking up from his plate.

"I hope not. But I wore him out with some strenuous swimming yesterday," said Mipha.

"It's good that Dad's staying active, but I miss chatting with him before class," Raypha said. "Do you think maybe you're pushing him too hard with all this exercise, Mom?"

Mipha paused to swallow a bite of fish.

"Maybe. I did get a bit carried away after what happened the other day," she admitted. "But he should return to normal soon."

After everyone finished eating, Mipha gave both children a tight hug and a quick kiss on the forehead. "Enjoy your non-parent-given lessons," she said as they laughed and then headed out the door.

"Maybe I really was a bit too hard on him," Mipha muttered to herself as she tidied up. "But I wanted to dry up every last drop of his memory of her at all the locations they spent time together. I only want him to think of me when we go there."

When Link awoke over an hour later, the first thing he felt was the ache of sore muscles in his arms and legs.

"Oof! Maybe I really am out of shape," groaned Link as he pulled himself out of the slumber pool. Then he gently stretched before drying off and slowly putting on some clothes.

"Morning, sweetheart," said Link as he emerged from the bedroom to find Mipha sitting at the table. He leaned down to kiss her on the cheek, then couldn't stifle a yawn.

"Morning," said Mipha. "You must still be tired. Why don't you sit down, and I'll cook your breakfast? This morning, Raypha did the honors and caught you a nice-sized Hyrule Bass."

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