Chapter 18 - Diary Entry

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Summary: The children spend the day with their Grandfather. Mipha and Link visit Ruta, and Link finds Mipha's diary there, prompting some reminiscing.

Link opened his eyes to sunlight, looked puzzled for an instant, then smiled as he remembered he was home. It felt funny to be waking up at home after so many days on the road. Link turned to look for Mipha in the slumber pool beside him, but she wasn't there. He was alone, probably from sleeping late, Staminoka Bass or not. He got up, dried off, and dressed as he listened for voices. But the house was quiet, and when he reached the kitchen, he found a note from Mipha on the table that explained why.

Good morning, sweetheart!

You were in a deep sleep (lovely expression), and I didn't want to wake you. Father was eager to learn about our trip, so I took the children to see him. Talking about our journey with him may help them decide what to write about. Anyway, enjoy a fresh Hyrule Bass in the kitchen.

Loved last night and love you! Be with you soon.

Link smiled. He loved last night too! Then he began preparing the fish for breakfast. He had noticed their Sheikah Slate lying on the table beside Mipha's note, and he thought this might be an opportune time to back up their pictures to a Guidance Stone, something Zelda had mentioned could be done. They had taken some pictures on their trip, and he would hate to lose them. When he finished cooking his fish, he sat down to eat and began working with the Sheikah Slate between bites.

There was a small message from Purah that popped up when he pressed the rune to back up pictures, and it explained what to do.

1. Press the picture rune to bring up a list of pictures.
2. Select individual images or press "All" to select all of them.
3. Then press the small rune on the lower left labeled "Backup".
4. Let the process finish. A message will notify you when it is complete.
5. The speed of the process will depend upon signal strength, which will depend upon nearness to a Sheikah Tower.
6. My assistant Nanna successfully followed these instructions. If she can do it, so can you!

That seemed straightforward enough. But was it just him, or did Purah always have an attitude about her assistants? Link pressed the picture rune and then saw an enormous collection of pictures. Mipha must have taken many more than he did. There was a picture of him riding with Raypha across the Tabantha Great Bridge. Raypha looked so cute sitting behind him with her arms wrapped around him. They were both staring down at the canyon below when Mipha must have taken the picture. Or had Gaddison or Rivan taken it? He scrolled down, and there were pictures of various family members shield surfing.

Then Link realized he had better not get too engrossed going through the pictures, or he would be here all morning. There was time enough for that later. He followed Purah's instructions, selected 'All,' and then set the Sheikah Slate down to let it finish.

He had just finished the fish and was cleaning up in preparation to join Mipha when he heard the door open.

"Oh, good, you're awake!" said Mipha as she came over to him, and they kissed. "Father wants us to leave the children in his care all day today to make up for lost time with them. He told me he had already cleared his day of meetings, so I had to agree. And our dear children were thrilled to play with Sidon and delay their writing assignments. Anyway, this means we have the day to ourselves, sweetheart. Isn't that wonderful?"

"Sweet! Yes, it is."

"Well, ourselves and Ruta," Mipha added. "We need to pay her a visit."

"That's fine. Oh, I'm backing up our pictures to a Guidance Stone. You took quite a few, didn't you?"

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