Chapter 52 - Rainy Day Relaxing

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Summary: A sleepy rainy day in Zora's Domain leads to some reminiscing. Robbie and Purah continue their research. Zelda and her husband Royce begin life at Hyrule Castle.

Link stirred from his sleep, awakened by the gentle pitter-patter of early morning rain against the windows of their home by Mikau Lake. Daybreak had only begun to peek through clouds, and this was the type of weather he enjoyed sleeping in, so he was in no hurry to get up. He had awoken first for a change and gazed at Mipha, floating peacefully beside him in the soothing water of their bedroom slumber pool. She seemed untouched by time, still young and radiant despite their years together, which was one happy aspect of being a Zora. Her beauty took his breath away, just as it did every time he looked at her.

He had to smile as he thought about the expression "take his breath away," though. Mipha and his now-adolescent children loved to tease him about anything he said that involved breathing. He recalled a recent incident.

The sun shone brightly overhead as Link and his family spent the afternoon swimming and playing in Ruto Lake, its cool, clear water offering a refreshing respite from the hot summer day. The armor Mipha made for him certainly helped his swimming. But despite his best efforts, Link could never keep up with his family's aquatic skills, especially since he lacked gills to breathe underwater. As they took a break from their game, Link made his way to a nearby rock outcropping, feeling winded.

"I need to catch my breath," Link explained.

"Uh oh, that sounds serious!" said Mipha, playfully feigning concern. "We better help your father chase after his missing breath. Did you see which way it went, sweetheart?"

"Did you lose it underwater, Dad? Does it look like a bubble?" Raypha giggled.

"And how can we return it to you, Dad?" Tidon added, giggling as well.

Link laughed and shook his head.

"But you know we all love you, Dad," Raypha said sweetly, worried that their playful teasing may have hurt his feelings. "It's actually fun having you play with us as a Hylian."

"I know you're all teasing me, sweetheart," Link replied fondly. "It's something I think you both inherited from your dear mother, who seldom lets a day go by without teasing me about something. And I've come to love it as I love all of you."

He took another breath and then continued.

"But don't worry. My Hylian breath is very clever and will return to me all on its own," he teased back.

He smiled at the memory and then resisted the strong urge to reach out and caress Mipha's soft, smooth skin. Instead he continued to simply admire her ageless beauty. Of course, she wasn't wholly unchanged from when they married. Mipha was taller now, her inevitable growth spurt bringing her once-adolescent size to almost fully grown.

Link paused to savor the familiar sense of comfort and belonging that filled him being here with his family. He had partly grown up in Zora's Domain, and it had always felt like the closest thing to home for him. Even as an adult, he made a point to visit Mipha here whenever possible. The recent wedding of Queen Zelda brought back memories of his wedding and his and Mipha's first night together as husband and wife. That night was incredible! However, it wasn't the first time they had spent a night together, though not in the way one might assume.

Closing his eyes, Link thought back to that night. It hadn't been planned or romantic; they had taken refuge atop the Sheikah Tower on the Great Plateau for safety after activating it and before he tackled the four shrines scattered across the area.

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