Chapter 9 - Hatchlings

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Summary: Mipha lays two eggs that hatch and she and Link enter the world of parenting.

After sharing the happy news about the two eggs she was carrying with her dear husband on the evening of their first anniversary, Mipha couldn't wait to tell her father the next morning.

"Will you hurry up, Link!" said Mipha as she waited impatiently for Link to finish his breakfast. "You Hylians are so inefficient. First, you have to heat the fish, and then you have to let it cool. If you were a Zora, you would be long done by now!"

"I'm eating as fast as I can, Mipha," laughed Link. "You know I can't eat it raw! Do you want me to choke?"

"There was no need to answer me and waste even more time," said Mipha. "Please, just keep eating."

Link did as she asked, chuckling inside. It was rare for someone to accuse him of eating too slowly, as his reputation with food was usually the opposite. Life in the wild where danger could occur at any time had taught him to eat quickly.

"There, I'm done," said Link finally as he swallowed his last bite and wiped his mouth.

"Come on, then," said Mipha taking his hand and practically pulling him to the door.

They made their way to the throne room, and King Dorephan was not yet busy.

"Mipha dear," said King Dorephan seeing her pulling Link into the room. "Whatever is the matter?"

"We want to share some good news, Father!" said Mipha. "In about a month you are going to be the grandfather of two children!"

She ran to her father, and he enveloped her in a big hug.

"My darling girl, that is wonderful news!" said King Dorephan as he held her. "I am so happy for the two of you, and I know you must both be thrilled. But am I really that old already, a grandfather?"

"You're not old, Father," laughed Mipha as she kissed him on the cheek. "We're very young parents."

"Well, never mind about me, this is about the two of you. This is a fabulous way to start the day," said King Dorephan. "And you are positively glowing, Mipha. I haven't seen you this happy since the night Link accepted the armor from you."

"Yes, Father," said Mipha as they released their embrace. "I am ecstatic!"

"And I am as well," said Link. "I must admit I'm still a bit in shock, though."

"I know exactly what you mean," laughed King Dorephan. "I can still remember my feelings when I found out about Mipha and then later about Sidon. But you'll get over it soon. Oh, I see I have a meeting coming up now. We can talk further later. Congratulations again, and I look forward to learning what names you decide upon."

They left holding hands as they made their way down to the plaza. Link made a burping sound, and Mipha glanced at him.

"Are you alright?" said Mipha.

"Excuse me, and yes, I'm fine," said Link clearing his throat. "I'm just trying to deal with the effect of wolfing down my breakfast as Your Highness requested."

"I'm sorry," said Mipha. "I was too excited, that's all. Do you want to sit down or is walking better?"

"Walking is better, and I'll be fine in a minute," said Link. "But I forgot we have to pick names."

"Yes, and they need to follow the musical royal naming convention," said Mipha. "I'll give it some thought, and we can talk about it."

And so life resumed as they counted down the days. Mipha noticed Link kept expressing concern she not overexert herself to the point she had to remind him it was fine. And she began to see a slight swelling in her body, but it was not too pronounced or uncomfortable.

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