Chapter 19 - Raypha's Realization

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Summary: Raypha's conversation with her Grandfather, King Dorephan, unintentionally reveals Link's limited lifespan.

It was evening in Zora's Domain as Mipha and Link held hands and climbed the steps to the throne room to retrieve their two children. Raypha and Tidon had spent the day with their Grandfather and Uncle Sidon, and it was time to bring them home.

"Ah, your parents are here," said King Dorephan upon seeing them.

"I hope they were no trouble, Father," said Mipha.

"No, just the opposite, dear," said King Dorephan. "The day went by too fast for both your brother and me. As always, you are very welcome to leave them with me anytime."

"Yes, we had a great time, Sis," said Sidon.

Raypha was standing near her Grandfather, but Tidon was sitting quietly, and King Dorephan explained.

"Tidon and his uncle played the hardest," said King Dorephan. "They went up the falls here so often I thought the water flow would reverse. I think Tidon is exhausted."

"Mipha and I are pretty exhausted from activity together as well," said Link, prompting a look from Mipha, which fortunately nobody but Link seemed to notice.

"Thank you, Father, for taking care of them, and it is definitely time for them to sleep," said Mipha.

"Here, I think Tidon is still not too big for me to carry," said Link quickly as he reached for Tidon, who clasped him around the neck and rested his head on Link's shoulder.

"Thanks for being such a good uncle," said Mipha to her brother as she kissed him on the forehead, and Sidon gave her a big grin with a flash of teeth.

Everyone exchanged goodnight's, and then Mipha took Raypha's hand while Link carried Tidon, and they made their way back home.

"You're very quiet, sweetheart," said Mipha to Raypha as they walked together. "Are you as tired out as your brother?"

"No, Mom, I didn't play in the water as much as Ti did," said Raypha.

Raypha didn't elaborate, and it was late for their sleep time anyway, so the family walked the rest of the way in silence. Sunset Fireflies glowed near their home, and the buzz of insects along with the occasional hoot of a night bird competed with the sound of the splashing waterfall.

They first brought Tidon to his room, kissed him goodnight, and Link gently lowered him into his slumber pool.

"Good night, everybody," sighed Tidon with his eyes closed.

They left Tidon's room and then brought Raypha to her room.

"Time to tuck you in, too," said Link as he kissed Raypha on the forehead.

"Happy dreams, sweetheart!" said Mipha as she kissed her as well.

"Love you," said Raypha after climbing into the water.

"Love you, too," said Link and Mipha together.

Then Mipha and Link left for their room to retire for the night.

As Raypha floated in her slumber pool, she kept thinking about the day. Her Hylian Dad called it "tucking her in" for some reason, but her Mom would call it "sleep pooling," which made more sense. Her Dad was different, of course, and that had always been part of her life. For example, her Dad had hair, big ears, couldn't breathe underwater, ate his fish cooked, and looked at the world differently, which was the source of his many funny expressions. Her Mom had said it was just something you accept, that there were different races in Hyrule, but they were all equal and unique in their way. But today, she had learned her Dad was unlike Zoras in another way as well, something she had never realized before, and it bothered her.

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