Chapter 42 - Progress

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Summary: After a breakfast meeting with Zelda, Purah visits Robbie at the Forgotten Temple to check on his progress. The threat of the Yiga Clan requires more security at Zora's Domain.

The early morning sky was a blanket of grey clouds as Chief Scientist Purah sat hunched over a cluttered work table in the Royal Ancient Tech Lab, diligently recording her latest measurements. Suddenly, a series of sharp beeps filled the room, causing her to jump and quickly retrieve her Sheikah Slate to silence the alarm.

"Uh oh! Time to go," she sighed as she put away her notes and made her way to the door, nodding to the two guards stationed outside before locking it behind her.

As she stepped out into the brisk air, Purah could feel a slight breeze rustling through the trees as she hurried along the path toward the Moat Bridge. Crossing it easily, she continued towards the castle for her breakfast meeting with Queen Zelda. The guards recognized her and admitted her with a friendly greeting, and she easily navigated her way through the halls until she reached the small family dining room where Zelda was already waiting.

"Good morning! I hope I haven't kept you waiting, Your Majesty," greeted Purah as she sat at the table.

"Good morning. No, I only just came down," replied Zelda with a warm smile. "Please help yourself to the eggs and tea."

As they ate their breakfast, Purah eagerly shared her progress with her experiments on age reduction and discussed some of the challenges she faced in her research. However, Zelda's attention seemed to wane, and Purah could tell she was losing her.

"I sense you must be more intrigued by the work at the Forgotten Temple," said Purah as they finished eating.

"Forgive me, I suppose I am," sighed Zelda apologetically. "I know your research is crucial and may prove invaluable for our future. But I find it difficult to follow all the technicalities and calculations you describe. I hope I haven't offended you."

Purah shook her head and smiled reassuringly. "Not at all, Your Majesty. I got too deep into the details and should have kept my discussion to a higher level."

"Can I pour you some more tea?" asked Zelda, filling Purah's cup before refilling her own. "I absolutely love this tea you gave me last month. It always gives me a mental boost and makes me feel invigorated afterward."

"I receive regular shipments from my sister Impa in Kakariko Village," answered Purah. "I will be sure to bring you more. We Sheikah highly value it for its ability to improve mental acuity and physical health. Robbie and I both drink it regularly."

Zelda chuckled, "I can see why, with all the complex research that you both do! But speaking of Robbie and the Forgotten Temple, if it's not too much trouble, I would like for you to check on his progress."

"I can do that immediately after we are finished here," assured Purah. "I am curious myself about what, if anything, he's found."

"And I will send two of my Royal Guards to accompany you," added Zelda.

Purah raised an eyebrow, sounding slightly hesitant. "Do you think that is necessary? I am perfectly capable of protecting myself."

"I know that Purah," replied Zelda softly. "But I still believe it is necessary. I received word from Gerudo Chief Ryla that the Yiga Clan may be resurfacing, which is news I have shared with the other rulers and our guards. That is why they insist I not personally visit the temple, as much as I would like to, and I want you to have some protection during your travels."

"Of course, if that is what you wish," agreed Purah.

"My cheeks still flush when I think back to a conversation with Link about staying safe," said Zelda, pausing to take another sip of her tea before continuing. "Link was typically very quiet and respectful of my royal status. But in this instance, he spoke to me like a concerned parent talking to a disobedient child."

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