Chapter 27 - Gerudo Desert Trip - Part Six

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Summary: Mipha, Link, Sidon, Raypha, Tidon, Gaddison, and Rivan return to Zora's Domain. Mipha feels she needs to take more interest in Link's health.

A soft shade of orange painted the horizon as afternoon flowed into evening at Zora's Domain. Two young Zora guards, Freer and Larana, were ending their day's tour of duty on Ja'Abu Ridge, watching Lanayru Bay. They were awaiting the return of Princess Mipha and her family from their Gerudo Desert trip. And when the guards spotted them, they would signal their comrade Alana at East Reservoir Lake, who would bring the welcome news to King Dorephan.

There was an incredible view from where they stood. The blue-green waters of the Lanayru Sea stretched all the way to the horizon to the east, and majestic Mount Lanayru lay to the south. A brisk but refreshing breeze swept in from the sea, shifting direction occasionally and shaking the coral-shaped pink and purple bushes that grew there.

"Our domain and its views are so magnificent," said Larana as she leaned against her spear and admired the view. "I can't imagine living anywhere else."

"I agree," said Freer, as he also admired the view.

Then Freer stretched his arms. "I hope they arrive soon. Staring at all that water makes me itching to dive into it."

Larana chuckled. "Good luck with that! From here, you'll be rolling in, not diving. But they should be here before it gets too late. They have young children with them, after all."

There was a movement to their left, and they turned to watch a trio of Blue Winged Herons foraging for food, strutting slowly on their long spindly legs. A solitary Grassland Fox kept an occasional watchful eye on them from a distance, no doubt hoping for a chance to snatch a meal but seemed content to hunt for insects in the meantime.

Freer took the opportunity to steal a glance at Larana. She was quite pretty, with her bright golden eyes and smooth, maroon-colored skin. And she had such a cute smile, too! They had worked together a few times before, and he thought they had gotten along well, including having fun and stimulating conversations. He enjoyed being with her, and perhaps when they were off duty, he could ask if she wanted to spend some time together. Larana turned back to Freer and saw him blush slightly as he quickly looked away. Then she smiled. Freer was cute and definitely on the shy side.

"This isn't the most exciting assignment we've ever had, is it?" asked Larana.

Freer laughed and shook his head. "No, though I'm excited we were assigned together. But I guess dull is good. We should be happy we no longer have to worry about electric-arrow-wielding Lizalfos. I'm sure you hear the same stories from your parents that I do."

Freer's and Larena's parents had all served as guards before Ganon's defeat, as had their parents before them.

"Yes, of course," said Larana. "And about how fortunate we all are now. But my parents also say they're happy there's less danger now, and we have a chance for a better life."

After a moment, Freer continued. "I know why we're on this assignment here, though. My friend Langon has been guarding the throne room, and he said our king has been fidgety and unable to concentrate these last few days. His Majesty is worried about his family and eager for the first news of their return."

"I can understand that," Larana nodded. "If I were a parent, I would be anxious too if my children went on a journey to the far reaches of Hyrule - and to a waterless desert, no less! But of course, if I had a daughter as talented as Lady Mipha, and a son-in-law like Link, that would wash away a good deal of my concern."

"I suppose so," Freer said, shaking his head. "I'm still surprised His Majesty agreed to let them go, especially Prince Sidon. But Lady Mipha can be very persuasive."

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