Chapter 36 - Ancient Sheikah Technology

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Summary: Robbie discusses with Zelda his translation of the documents found beneath Hyrule Castle. Mipha is still coping with her feelings over Link's time with Kodah yesterday.

"Ah, yes, the oral tradition. One of the least reliable methods of information retention and transmission."
-Fi, Skyward Sword

It was midday at Hyrule Castle as Queen Zelda, Purah, and Robbie met in the first-floor private dining room.

"Maybe you can tell me over lunch about what you discovered in your research, Dr. Robbie," suggested Zelda. "I'm also quite partial to history."

"With pleasure, Your Majesty," said Robbie, rubbing his hands after giving Purah a look.

"And I think Her Majesty would rather hear about the contents of the documents than how hard you worked on them," said Purah with a smirk.

"I don't mind hearing both," said Zelda with a small chuckle.

Purah and Robbie had an excellent professional relationship and could work together like clockwork on many projects, masterfully complementing each other's knowledge. However, there was always some friendly competition between the two of them, especially for Zelda's recognition. Robbie had started as Purah's assistant but eventually grew into a top-tier researcher in his own right, thanks to his intelligence and dedication to work.

"Without delving too deeply into the arduous nature of this task," Robbie began, casting another glance at Purah, "allow me to convey that these documents date back nearly ten thousand years and are penned in an ancient Hylian dialect, occasionally peppered with terms from an extinct culture that employed its own entirely distinct language. Moreover, the pages were not always arranged in the correct order, which rendered deciphering them akin to solving a complex puzzle."

"I can only imagine the challenges you faced," Zelda acknowledged warmly. "The fact that you've made any progress at all is truly commendable."

"Thank you," Robbie responded appreciatively. "Your suggestion of seeking aid from the castle library was a wise one. However, before Dr. Purah becomes further vexed by my self-congratulation, let's delve right into what I've managed to learn thus far. Perhaps the easiest approach is to read directly from my translation of the source material itself. The initial section serves as a preamble in which the author describes the purpose behind this document. And though I've been the one working on the translation effort, Dr. Purah, please feel free to interject with your insights at any point."

"Of course," Purah agreed with a grin. "You know me well."

Robbie gathered up his notes and, between pauses to eat and drink, began to read.

My name is unimportant and best left unknown, for my life would be forfeit should I be discovered. Suffice it to say I am a Sheikah who has devoted their life to studying technology. I rose to hold a position of importance as one of the assistants to my Master, who served as an advisor to the king of Hyrule. What I am doing now violates both the new laws of the kingdom and my own tribe's oath. For we Sheikah have always feared knowledge of the workings of our technology might fall into the wrong hands. And so we have guarded our secrets by insisting they not be written down but passed on only by word of mouth, from Master to pupil. And so it has always been done.

Recent events, however, have forced my hand, and I must defy these edicts lest all be lost. Since I do not know when my writings will be found, let me explain the need for such drastic measures.

It is a tragedy that our most glorious moment, the defeat of Calamity Ganon, has ended in such a shameful manner! Our Guardians and Divine Beasts played key roles in our victory. The hero was fearless, a testament to his mixed ancestry, and wielded the Goddess's sword as the most capable swordsman in all of Hyrule. And the Princess, with the divine blood of Goddess Hylia flowing in her veins as her birthright, sealed away that great evil.

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