Chapter 3 - Zora Hylian Romance

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Summary: With the domain safe now, Mipha and Link can begin to live a more 'normal' life and grow accustomed to married life together.

Mipha felt terrible, but it was an accident. And she was trying hard not to let the comical aspects of the situation get in the way of her work.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart! Please try to hold still!" said Mipha.

Link was speechless. Not because he was at a loss for words, though that was often the case, but because he was sitting with his tongue sticking out of his mouth while Mipha tried to perform her healing magic.

Mipha held Link's head with one hand and the other, the one that glowed, above his tongue. Then she giggled again and lost her concentration. Link moaned, which was about the only sound he could make at the moment.

"Sorry, I'll try again," said Mipha. "Hold still!"

It was more his fault than hers, Link thought. They had been home kissing passionately, their tongues exploring each other's mouths when Link forgot how incredibly sharp her teeth were. He had scraped his tongue across one of them, and luckily only hard enough to create a small but painful cut. He felt like an idiot and probably looked like one too, sitting with his mouth open and his tongue sticking out. Fortunately, all this had happened in the privacy of their bedroom.

This time Mipha successfully healed the wound, and Link moved his tongue around in his mouth. It felt perfect, back to normal.

"Are you all right now, sweetheart?" said Mipha. "I shouldn't let you kiss me that way. But it feels so good, and it's so arousing, I can't help myself. I don't want you to stop."

"No, it's fine," said Link. "Kissing you like that feels too good for me too. I need to be more careful. And luckily, my beautiful wife is blessed with healing magic. But I'm sorry. I guess I kind of ruined the mood, didn't I?"

"It's all right," said Mipha. "We should be getting ready for Alicia's party, anyway."

It was early evening, and Link got cleaned up, dressed and the two of them headed to the party. Alicia was busy when they arrived, so, in the meantime, they just joined the party and blended in. It was a short time later that Alicia came over to welcome them.

"Link, this is Alicia," said Mipha. "Alicia and I are good friends, and you met briefly at our wedding."

"It's nice to meet you again, Alicia," said Link. "It's a great party by the way."

"Hi, Link," said Alicia. "I'm glad you're enjoying it. Mipha often spoke of you, and it's nice to meet you finally. Well, as Mipha said, I did say hello at your wedding, but I don't expect you to remember."

"I have to thank you for the cooked snails," said Link. "I suspect you had those prepared with me in mind, and they're delicious."

"Yes, you Hylians don't seem to like things fresh," laughed Alicia. "But it was no trouble at all. I heard you've both had some busy nights, but now, that's all over with."

"Yes," said Mipha taking Link's arm. "It's much nicer spending romantic evenings with my husband, not creeping about in the dark and the rain hunting monsters."

"Have you two known each other a long time?" said Link.

"Since forever!" said Alicia. "We played together as children, then stayed friends after we grew up. When we were small, my parents loved it when I played with Mipha because I got free royal guard supervision the whole time. They didn't need to worry about me at all. But, of course, that came with a price, right, Mipha?"

"What do you mean?" said Link.

"Well, the guards were rather strict about where we went and what we could do," said Alicia. "They were constantly telling us that we could not do this or do that. But we still managed to have fun."

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