Chapter 47 - Loose Ends

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Summary: Link returns to Zora's Domain. The Yiga Clan leader pledges loyalty to Queen Zelda. Mipha reminisces a bit. Hyrule looks forward to an era of peace.

It was mid-morning in Zora's Domain, and Mipha's face had lit up with excitement after her call with Link ended.

"Great news!" she exclaimed to her children, Raypha and Tidon. "Your father is on his way home, and he's safe and sound. Moreover, thanks to his efforts, all of Hyrule is safe, and the danger is over."

"Oh, wow!" Raypha exclaimed. "That's amazing, Mom! Dad is such a hero!"

"And that means we can play with our friends now without you and Dad watching us, right?" Tidon asked eagerly.

"Yes, I must have misjudged the importance of matters," Mipha laughed. "You can play freely with your friends now, and Hyrule is out of danger. Sound better?"

"Sometimes you have the sense of a snail, Tidon!" Raypha teased as she stuck her tongue out at him. "But we promised to do something special for Dad when he returns. We don't have much time left."

"There's still time to prepare a nice meal," Mipha suggested. "That always gets him excited."

"Let's go get the ingredients from the Coral Reef," Raypha said determinedly. "Then I'll cook Dad a gourmet meal like a Trout Risotto."

"Seriously, Ray? You think you know how to cook Hylian food?" Tidon asked skeptically.

"I've watched Dad do it and cooked plain fish. I also saw a recipe posted on the wall when we stayed overnight at one of the stables," Raypha replied confidently. "I think it was during our visit to Rito Village when you kept smacking me with your tail fin all night."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. I said sorry. I wasn't used to sleeping in a bed, and I guess I tend to move around a lot when I sleep. But can't you remember any of the good things I do?" Tidon grumbled.

"I would if I could think of any," Raypha teased.

"Shouldn't you two be getting things ready for your Dad's return?" Mipha interrupted as she shook her head in amusement.

"Yes, let's go, Ti. You can help carry the rice," Raypha directed.

"I'll come with you. I want to share the good news with your grandfather," said Mipha. "And I'd like to watch for your father's return."

As they left the house, Mipha explained the situation to the two guards on duty outside their front door.

"Lady Mipha, this is fantastic news!" exclaimed Treble, one of the guards. "However, we are obligated to offer our protection until we receive official orders from our captain."

"That's fine, Treble," replied Mipha. "I'll be okay on my own, but please keep an eye on my two children and protect them from each other. They're picking up things from the Coral Reef and returning home."

"Very well, we will ensure they stay safe," laughed Treble.

Meanwhile, as he rode on a horse borrowed from the royal guard, Link reflected on everything that had happened in Tanagar Canyon. The fact that he had laid hands on the fabled Triforce still left him in awe. He had heard stories about it as part of ancient Hyrule lore, but it was now considered more of a myth than an actual object. Yet, there it was, gleaming gold in the sunlight for all to see. And it had the power to change the course of history far into the future. It was no surprise that it needed to be protected at all costs, and only those deemed worthy by passing the Goddess Trial would be permitted to touch it.

Another thing that caught him off guard was the presence of Fi. His sword's spirit could apparently materialize when necessary, but she had never appeared for him. She had mentioned the Link he encountered was her first master. Maybe as the first to wield the sword, that other Link needed more guidance from her. Or perhaps she was still getting used to dealing with Hylians. From what little he saw of Fi, she seemed extremely practical and only intervened when needed. So he concluded that her neglect of him wasn't personal; maybe he didn't need her help and was skilled enough with the legendary blade.

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