Chapter 12 - Party Time

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Summary: Nothing special happens but the children grow a bit older and interact more fully with their parents. Mipha's friend, Alicia, hosts another party. Zelda invites the family for a visit as they make their first trip together to Hyrule Castle.

It was a sunny late morning in Zora's Domain, and Link had left to pick up some food for lunch from the market, leaving Mipha by Mikau Lake with their two children. Tidon was playing in the water while Mipha sat with Raypha on her lap by the lakeshore.

"You have such pretty fins, Raypha," said Mipha as she gently caressed Raypha's tail fin.

Raypha leaned her head against Mipha, closed her eyes, and sighed, as she loved it when her mother did that, gently stroking her tail fin. It was so soothing and relaxing, and Mipha had done that to her since she was a hatchling. And Mipha could remember her mother doing the same thing to her as a small child. Being a mother herself brought back memories of her early childhood, a time she hadn't thought of in quite some time. After a few minutes of relaxing, Raypha lifted her head and turned to Mipha.

"Will Daddy's fins ever grow bigger?" said Raypha.

"Daddy's fins?" said Mipha looking puzzled.

"The fins on his head," said Raypha.

"Oh," said Mipha. "Those aren't fins, sweetheart. We call them ears, and they help Daddy to hear better."

"They don't help him swim?" said Raypha.

"No, Daddy doesn't have fins and never will. And he cannot swim as well as we do," said Mipha.

"Yes, Daddy doesn't like to stay underwater with us when we play," said Raypha.

"That's because he can't stay underwater very long. He has to breathe air like we're doing now," said Mipha.

"Will he ever get better?" said Raypha.

"No, he's not sick, sweetheart," said Mipha. "He's just different from us in some ways. We love being in the water, but Daddy needs to live on land."

"That's sad," said Raypha pouting slightly.

"No, there is no reason to be sad, Raypha," said Mipha, gently kissing her on the forehead. "Daddy is fine, and there is nothing wrong with him. I've never seen him so happy since you and your brother came along. There are different kinds of people in Hyrule. There are Rito who can fly in the air like birds. And there are Gorons who can live where it's always hot and eat rocks. Daddy is what we call a Hylian. We are different, but all people of Hyrule."

Raypha was quiet for a moment, thinking about what Mipha told her.

"Flying might be fun," said Raypha finally. "But, I like water and fish."

"Of course you do," laughed Mipha, gently hugging her. "And so do I."

Meanwhile, when Link reached the market, he ordered four trout, some rice, and some Swift Violets.

"Not catching your own fish today, Link? Not that I mind the business," laughed the shop keeper Brandon as he wrapped the order and collected payment.

"No, not today," laughed Link. "We needed rice and vegetables anyway, and by the time I catch four fish, everyone will be starving. We take turns, and the children already catch fish much better than I can."

"Yes, they grow from hatchlings so quickly, don't they?" said Brandon. "Then, when they get older, they worry about their growth spurt. I have a grown daughter, so I know all about that. And you must too, being married to Lady Mipha. "

"Oh, yes," said Link. "I do realize she's not fully grown yet."

"You know, it is very uncommon for one of us to marry before we finish growing," said Brandon. "In fact, come to think of it, I can't recall any other couple doing that."

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