Chapter 15 - School Trip - Part 1

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Summary: To further their children's education, Link's family tours part of Hyrule. Link meets with Purah and learns of some promising research. Mipha and Link meet some old acquaintances and share some memories along the way.

It was a rainy evening in Zora's Domain, as Mipha met alone with her father, King Dorephan. Her brother Sidon had already gone to sleep for the night and her husband Link was home with their daughter and son, Raypha and Tidon.

King Dorephan was quiet, thinking about what they had just discussed. Then he spoke up.

"I don't know, Mipha," said King Dorephan finally, shaking his head. "I know Sidon would love to go, and the trip would certainly be good for him. He was very disappointed he couldn't accompany you on your visit to Lake Hylia and the sea. But you know how I feel about both of you being away from home at the same time. You can understand that I worry."

"I can understand perfectly, Father, and if you're too uncomfortable, then I certainly won't try to dissuade you," said Mipha. "It was just an idea. But we are traveling through safe areas now, and both Link and I will be looking out for everyone. We're both pretty capable of doing that."

"Yes, I certainly agree with you, sweetheart," said King Dorephan. "There are doubtless none in Hyrule as capable as you two. But you will have three people to look after at the same time."

King Dorephan thought for a moment.

"Very well," said King Dorephan. "I'll agree to let Sidon go with you if you agree to take along two guards for additional security. Would that be acceptable to you?"

"Yes, that would be fine, Father," said Mipha happily. "Thank you. I think everyone will have a great time, and it will be educational too."

"I'll arrange for the two guards. And I'll let Sidon know when he wakes up tomorrow," said King Dorephan. "It's just as well he's gone to sleep. If he knew now, he would probably be too excited to sleep at all!"

Then King Dorephan smiled, reached out, and Mipha came to him as they hugged each other.

"How are you, sweetheart? I must say you look as well and happy as I've ever seen you!"

"I am, Father," said Mipha as they held each other. "Link has been the perfect husband, every bit as kind and loving as I could want. And he has been a wonderful father, too. The children adore him. Raypha looks out for him and takes him under her fin in the water. And Tidon hangs on every word of his stories. I'm truly living my dream, Father."

"And you deserve it, sweetheart," said King Dorephan. "You've done so much for our family, our domain, and Hyrule itself. Nothing makes me happier than to see you enjoy your life with Link and the time with your two lovely children. Speaking of which, you should get home. It's late, and you'll have a busy day tomorrow, so I had better wish you goodnight."

"Goodnight then, Father," said Mipha as she kissed him on the cheek. "I'll see you in the morning when I pick up Sidon."

Mipha left the throne room and paused for a moment at Hylia's statue to say a prayer, at the same time luxuriating in the feel of the steady rain washing over her. Then she walked home, expecting Raypha and Tidon to be fast asleep by now. And when she arrived home, the children were indeed fast asleep. What she didn't expect was to see Link also fast asleep along with them, all three of them floating heads up in Raypha's slumber pool, their arms around each other.

She had to smile. Knowing Link, he had probably gotten into the pool with them to tell them one of his adventure stories, and the inevitable happened. They looked so cute together, the three people in Hyrule she loved the most. She rushed to retrieve the Sheikah Slate Zelda had loaned them, returned, and took a picture. Then she returned to her room, climbed into the slumber pool there, and fell asleep.

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