Chapter 22 - Gerudo Desert Trip - Part One

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Summary: Mipha and Link prepare for their next family trip, a visit to the Gerudo Desert. Mipha seeks to overcome her father's reluctance to allow Sidon to accompany them.

It was a rainy evening in Zora's Domain, and Mipha, Link, Raypha, and Tidon were returning home after several swims up and down the falls by Mikau Lake.

"You should learn to control your descent down the falls better, Ti," said Raypha. "You look all wobbly and might as well just dive."

"Maybe," said Tidon. "I just get this urge to go faster and lose my balance."

"It just takes more practice," said Mipha. "You both swim very well."

They entered the house, and then Link finally spoke up.

"That was fun ... and a good ... after-dinner workout," said Link between deep breaths. "But I'm a ... bit winded."

"Winded?" Raypha asked. "Is that a Hylian expression?"

"Yes, sweetheart," said Mipha. "It means they need to take strong, rapid breaths of air, exhaling them like the wind, after some energetic physical exertion."

"Oh, like fast filling your gills," said Raypha.

"Close enough," said Mipha. "Anyway, it's late, and I need to go. We stayed out longer than usual, and I want to wish your Uncle Sidon goodnight before he floats asleep."

"Wish him goodnight from us, too," said Tidon.

"I will. And it's already past both of your sleep times. Goodnight, Raypha. Goodnight, Tidon," said Mipha as she gave each of them a hug and a kiss.

"Goodnight, Mom," said Raypha and Tidon.

"Now, both of you, be good for your father while I'm gone."

"Don't worry, Mom," said Tidon. "When he catches up to his breath, Dad's going to tell us a sleep time story about one of his adventures, right Dad?"

"I can, but are you two sure you still want to hear a sleep time story? You're not too big, are you?" said Link, now breathing normally.

"Not at all, Dad," said Raypha as she shook her head. "We still love hearing them, right Ti?"

"Right, Ray. Your stories about the old days are exciting, Dad," said Tidon.

"The old days?" said Link.

"Maybe you could tell us about something that happened to you in the Gerudo Desert area since we're going there soon," said Raypha.

"That's a great idea, Raypha! If I'm not mistaken, your Dad and I had some adventures together in Gerudo Town before we married. Maybe he can talk about them. Or am I confusing you with my dear friend Linka, sweetheart?" said Mipha as she gave Link a cute smile.

"You must be confusing me with Linka, dearest," said Link as he made a face at Mipha. "Don't you remember they don't let Voe like me into town? So, I'll have to think of a different story."

She and Link both laughed, then Mipha spoke up.

"Well, I need to go. I'll leave you three to settle your discussion."

"Dad's in charge with you gone, right Mom?" said Raypha, who couldn't help but giggle after saying it.

"Are we back to that conversation again, Raypha?" laughed Link. "You're getting to be as big a tease as your mother."

"You're just too easy to tease, sweetheart," laughed Mipha. "But now I really must go before Sidon's asleep."

She and Link embraced and then kissed.

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