Chapter 50 - Royal Wedding - Part One

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Summary: Purah lectures Robbie on her age reduction research. Queen Zelda and Royce marry, ushering in a new era for Hyrule.

It was a sunny morning at the Royal Ancient Tech Lab near Hyrule Castle, and Dr. Purah was standing at a blackboard she had borrowed from the adjoining Royal Academy and lecturing to Dr. Robbie. Nearby were three large folders, one labeled "Flora," a second labeled "Insects," and the third labeled "Lizards."

"For a given species p, let their normal future life expectancy at age x be e(p,x). We have these values through observation and experimentation," she added, nodding toward the folders. "Let the subject's mass at age x be m(p,x) since different individuals of the same age can be different sizes.

Purah scribbled the math notation on the blackboard.

"Now, let A(t) represent the age reduction rune applied for a length of time t," said Purah as she continued.

"Then we have to derive the specimen's new age after applying the age reduction rune. Let's call this new age y."

"Given we know e(p,x), A(t), and m(p,x), the value of y is given by the following functional equation:"

"y = f(e(p,x), A(t), m(p,x)), where f is the formula we need to derive.

"The ultimate goal is, for a given species such as a Hylian, to find the value of t, the length of time needed to expose a subject of age x and mass m to the rune to achieve a given age reduction to age y."

"That is the heart of the problem, is it not?" Robbie interjected.

"Yes," said Purah. "All of that is theory. Now, as to experimentation, how do we actually measure ages post-treatment? For insects with short life spans, for example, we can determine their new age y by simply seeing how long they actually live after the age reduction treatment. If E(p,x,t) is their new life expectancy after treatment of length t administered at age x, then their new age y is the value for which E(p,x,t) = e(p,y) and their age reduction is x-y."

"That's clear enough," said Robbie.

"For longer-lived species like lizards, we can't wait for them to live out their lives after treatment to observe E(p,x,t) directly. We need to estimate their new age y by taking cell samples and comparing various measurements of their physical condition to the cells of a normal untreated specimen at different ages."

Purah paused a moment, then continued.

"As you can see, a significant amount of data is required to determine these values through experimentation. Hence, my slow but steady progress. As you can also see, I am being thorough and systematic in my research and ensuring no harm comes to any of my test subjects, including checking that the treatment has no unintended side effects. In fact, I've helped many of them by extending their lifespans," Purah explained proudly.

Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by the sound of sheep bleating and a dog barking just outside the lab.

"What in the name of Hylia!" Robbie exclaimed, jumping up from his seat. He quickly threw open the door to find a shepherd and his sheepdog herding a flock of sheep into an enclosure next to the lab.

"Oh, perfect! My new test specimens have arrived!" Purah exclaimed with excitement, rubbing her hands together. "I need larger test subjects than lizards for the next stage of my research."

"We're raising sheep now? No wonder you were so secretive about those new fences you had built. And speaking of subjects, we're Queen Zelda's subjects and are both invited and expected to attend her wedding today. So don't get too caught up in your research," Robbie reminded her.

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