Chapter 20 - Promises

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Summary: Mipha and Link read Raypha's and Tidon's essays on their family trip. Zelda visits the Royal Ancient Lab to discuss Purah's and Robbie's latest research.

It was late morning in Zora's Domain, and the whole family was home in their house by Mikau Lake. Mipha and Link were sitting beside each other and trying to grade their children's writing assignments about the recent family "school trip" with their Uncle Sidon. But the home environment was not particularly conducive to concentrating at the moment.

"You're wrong, Ray," said Tidon.

"Not a chance, Ti," said Raypha. "I'm seldom wrong."

"Seldom doesn't mean never," said Tidon.

"No, but it means I'm right much more often than not," said Raypha.

"But you're still wrong sometimes. Like now, for instance," said Tidon.

"Okay, enough is enough!" said Mipha, standing up. "Why don't you two go outside while your father and I finish reading your essays? But stay nearby and only swim in the two levels of Mikau Lake here. Do you both understand?"

"Yes, Mom," said Raypha and Tidon together.

Mipha opened the door, and both children ran outside and at once dove into the lake.

"Race you up the falls! I bet I'll win!" shouted Tidon.

"Don't sulk if you're wrong about that, too!" shouted Raypha.

Mipha shook her head, closed the door, and sat back down beside Link.

"What was all the arguing about?" Link asked.

"Who knows? But this is much better now, isn't it?"

They looked each other in the eyes, dropped their gaze to each other's lips, then leaned their heads together and kissed.

"Mm, yes, much better," said Link after their kiss ended. "I couldn't concentrate on the essay with all the noise."

"Can you concentrate now?" said Mipha as she moved closer, and they kissed again, a series of brief kisses between quick breaths that lasted several minutes.

"No, I can't concentrate," said Link as he caught his breath when they finally stopped. "You're already distractingly cute, and kissing makes me forget everything else."

"Isn't it fun to distract each other, though? Of course, you distract me too."

Just then, you could make out some cheering and laughter from outside the house, bringing their thoughts back to the task at hand.

"Yes, it is, but we had better finish grading these essays, or the children won't take their next written assignment seriously," said Link.

"Fine," said Mipha with a fake pout. "Let's plan on distracting each other later, dear husband."

"I wish you hadn't said that dear wife," laughed Link. "Now I'm getting distracted thinking about getting distracted later."

Mipha tickled him in the ribs, and they both laughed, then resumed reading the essays. They read quietly for several minutes until finally, Link spoke up.

"Okay, I'm done with Tidon's essay," said Link. "If you're done reading Raypha's, we can switch."

They exchanged essays and then discussed when they were both finished reading.

"I think they both did a fine job," said Link. "They both wrote clearly and grammatically about many places we visited and the people we met."

"Yes, I agree," said Mipha. "They both wrote very well. But did you notice the difference?"

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