Chapter 51 - Royal Wedding - Part Two

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Summary: Zelda and Royce host their wedding reception at Hyrule Castle, celebrating their love and union. Mipha and Link are reminded of their own wedding day in more ways than one, as Mipha uses one appetite to overcome another, keeping Link on his diet.

Amidst the resounding cheers and applause from the gathered crowd outside Hyrule Castle, the newlyweds Zelda and Royce, their hands now intertwined, stood on the observation deck. With a wave that was more than a mere gesture, they symbolized their union and the beginning of their shared journey as King and Queen of Hyrule.

Meanwhile, the invited guests had begun making their way from the Sanctum to the lavishly decorated dining hall. The air was filled with the sweet scent of fresh flowers, their vibrant colors mirroring the joyous atmosphere. The castle staff, dressed in their finest attire, hurried to put the final touches on the already breathtaking room. Bouquets of vibrant blooms were placed throughout the long dining table, and elegant place cards were meticulously arranged before each seat.

As the guests entered, they were greeted with radiant smiles from the staff, their warm demeanor setting the tone for the evening. They were guided into a receiving line, an opportunity to congratulate the beaming couple upon their arrival personally.

"What a truly magnificent sight!" exclaimed Sidon, his voice brimming with awe and uncontainable excitement as he and his family eagerly lined up.

"This is the most thrilling day since Zelda's coronation," added Link. "And the castle was not as fine looking back then as it is now."

The castle orchestra arrived next and took their places, followed by someone designated as the wedding photographer, obviously using Zelda's Sheikah Slate. She was followed at once by Zelda and Royce, causing the room to erupt in applause.

"Thank you," said Zelda, acknowledging the applause. "Royce and I want to thank each of you now personally. But I know we're all eager to eat and dance, so let's keep this brief. There will be ample time to catch up during the reception. I'm famished, by the way. I didn't have much breakfast this morning - too many butterflies in my stomach."

"That makes two of us," laughed Royce, squeezing her hand as the guests chuckled.

"What a peculiar expression," whispered Tidon to his sister as the room chuckled. "Butterflies in their stomach?"

"Shh!" hushed Raypha. "It means jitters from nervousness - like we say, stomach bubbles. They didn't actually eat butterflies, silly."

People in line then began offering their congratulations before being escorted to their seats at the table. Link and his family were towards the middle of the line.

"We can all congratulate them together as a family," suggested Mipha. "It will speed things up for Zelda and Royce, as Zelda suggested."

When their turn came, Link embraced Zelda.

"I am overjoyed for you, Zelda. You look stunning, and the wedding was beautiful. Or perhaps it's the other way around? Both are true," smiled Link.

"Thank you, and thank you for sharing this special day with me, Link," chuckled Zelda. "It means a lot to me that you could be here."

Then, it was Mipha's turn.

"I couldn't have managed without your help this morning, Mipha," said Zelda gratefully. "You are truly a dear, dear friend."

"I'm glad. And I wish you and Royce nothing but happiness in the years ahead," replied Mipha sincerely.

The children also offered their well wishes and were thanked for being present.

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