Chapter 7 - Speaking Zora

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Summary: Link begins to embrace Zora culture. He and Mipha make a belated honeymoon trip to Lurelin Village.

It was a sunny and quite warm afternoon in Zora's Domain, and Link was sitting next to Mipha on Ruta's trunk high above East Reservoir Lake. They had both spent the morning in a council meeting with King Dorephan, and after lunch had the afternoon to themselves. The view was gorgeous as the ice blue cliffs sparkled in the sunlight.

"If there is a more beautiful place in all of Hyrule, I don't know where it is," said Link as he gazed at the breathtaking view. "And my view of the person sitting next to me is also the most beautiful in all of Hyrule."

"Oh my, such a sweet tongue!" said Mipha. "Is it me or the domain that brings this out in you? You used to be so quiet, and now you're such a romantic!"

Link truly never felt happier. He had completely fallen in love with the domain, to Mipha's delight. And of course, he had completely fallen in love with her some time ago.

"But I still want to test you on your studies, sweetheart," said Mipha. "Do you recall what the last one means?"

Link had promised Mipha he would immerse himself in Zora culture, and besides studying their history, had been trying to learn some Zora expressions. But, as expected, he kept getting confused.

"Sorry, I can't quite remember that one," said Link rubbing his head. "But I didn't say what I did to change the subject. I just felt a surge of emotion looking around and then seeing you."

"You give up?", said Mipha ignoring the sweet talk. "Dive right to the depth means to get right to the point. Try to imagine you live in water and think about what it could mean."

"That's easier said than done," said Link.

"You mean a click is not a catch," said Mipha.

"I wasn't practicing expressions, I was just answering you," said Link. "How would I know what that last one meant?"

"Clicking to locate a fish is easier than catching it," said Mipha. "It's practically a word-for-word translation."

Ruta let out two soft bellows, which gratefully were quiet because they were sitting at the end of Ruta's nose.

"That's a little harsh, Ruta," said Mipha. "He's still a good husband."

"What!?" said Link. "What's Ruta's problem with me now? Is it, uh, she saying I'm stupid or something?"

"It might be best not to discuss Ruta's thoughts right at this very moment," said Mipha. "Let's keep to the fish at fin."

"The task at hand. I got that one," said Link. "But do we always have to review what I've studied here on Ruta? I feel like Ruta's looking over my shoulder."

"You mean she's riding your wake," said Mipha. "But honestly Ruta wants you to learn more about Zora culture, and I want to show Ruta you're not ... I mean show Ruta how smart you are."

"Fine," said Link. "Whatever makes you happy. And Ruta happy as well I guess."

"I can see you're getting a little frustrated," said Mipha as she reached out and stroked his cheek. "We can move on from expressions to something else. Let's discuss some history. We'll start with a straightforward one. Now, I don't want to add to the pressure, but you had better remember this subject given where we are at the moment. Tell me what you know about Princess Ruto."

Link knew this one and explained the story of Princess Ruto and how she fell in love with the hero of time and gave him the Zora Sapphire and then later went on to become a sage and help in the successful fight against Ganondorf.

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