Chapter 4 - Kakariko Village Princess

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Summary: Mipha and Link visit Zelda at Kakariko Village to help with Hyrule's restoration. But they find Zelda having difficulties, and need to start her on the road to recovery.

"How should we travel there?" said Link. "I can still arrange for horses."

Mipha and Link were sitting together in their house by Mikau Lake having just finished breakfast and were preparing to leave for their visit with Zelda at Kakariko Village. They had said all their goodbye's the night before, including an emotional goodbye visit to Ruta. Link thought that visit went too far when Mipha told Ruta she would be thinking about her. But he had learned by now it was best to say nothing since Mipha took her relationship with Ruta quite seriously. And who knows? Maybe Ruta really could tell what Mipha was thinking from afar.

"Swimming is much, much better," said Mipha. "I'll help you along by holding your hand. Isn't that sweet of me?"

"It is sweet," said Link. "I'm wearing your gift so I should be able to swim just fine. Just try to control your amorous impulses and keep your mind on swimming."

"Oh, how thoughtful!" exclaimed Mipha. "My darling, darling husband is concerned that his great charm might impair my swimming ability."

Mipha reached out and tenderly stroked his cheek, then ran the tips of her nails lightly up and down the length of his arm.

"I should remind you that swimming is a pure instinct with me," said Mipha. "I can do it without even thinking. And your nearness, dear love of my life, does not affect my aquatic ability. I'm sure the same cannot be said for you, however, can it sweetheart? Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"No, it definitely can't be said for me, and you know very well you're making me uncomfortable," laughed Link as the touch of her nails sent an erotic thrill up his arm. "By the way, I notice you're a good deal more self-confident these days, not so shy anymore."

"Now that you're mine forever and ever, I've gotten over my shyness," said Mipha. "And you're coming around nicely, learning to be an attentive husband. I think our marriage will work out."

"Work out? It's been a dream come true for me," said Link. "I hoped it was for you too."

"You being so easy to tease is another nice aspect of our marriage," laughed Mipha. "It has been a dream. Shall we go? Don't forget a kiss first."

They kissed to start the journey, then made their way to the lower level of the domain and dove into Ruto Lake together. Mipha grabbed his hand, and they swam off at high speed the rest of the way until they had to navigate the twisting portions of the Zora River. They picked up the pace again until they reached the shallows by Kincean Island, then waded through the water there as Hot-Footed frogs jumped out of their path. From there they crossed Telta Lake, and Mipha paused to catch several Hyrule Bass. When they reached the southern shore, it was time to climb.

"Ready for the climb? Now it's my turn to lead, and we can stop anytime you're winded," said Link as he helped pull Mipha up the slope.

The climb was steep and tiring, especially for Mipha, so they paused to briefly rest by a large tree on a small plateau on the western shore. When they were ready, they finished their climb, then circled the hills until they met up with the west road into Kakariko Village. When they reached the village entrance, they noticed the presence of two Sheikah guards who addressed them.

"Greetings, we recognize you as Princess Mipha and Link," said one of the guards. "Her Highness told us to expect you. You may proceed."

"This extra security is because of Her Highness residing here?" said Link.

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