Chapter 48 - Rewarding Moments

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Summary: Mipha and Link visit Hyrule Castle so Link can explain what happened. Afterward, Link visits the castle library and, to his surprise, learns who the Zelda he met truly is. Later that evening, Zelda has a surprise of her own as well.

A week had passed since Link returned from the Forgotten Temple, and it was a bright sunny mid-day at the Royal Ancient Tech Lab. In honor of his deed, Zelda prepared a luncheon in Link's honor and invited Purah and Robbie to hear about Link's adventure.

"Are you ready to leave, Dr. Purah?" asked Robbie. "We should head out soon."

"Just one more moment," replied Purah as she carefully placed a Hearty Lizard back into its terrarium.

"You know, I hate to admit it, but I missed you and your lizard collection while camping overnight at the Forgotten Temple," said Robbie.

"I missed you too," admitted Purah as they walked out of the lab together. "It was quite unsettling coming back here late each night to feed the lizards. Even though there were guards outside, the thought of a Yiga spy hiding inside gave me chills. The lab was so quiet and eerie at night; I couldn't help but be on edge. I kept listening for any sounds of movement and always kept a dagger with me, just in case. I wished you were here in case of an unexpected attack."

"I'm flattered you believe I could protect you in such a dangerous situation, Dr. Purah," remarked Robbie as they crossed the Moat Bridge.

"Protect me? No, no," corrected Purah. "I meant that if anyone came after us, they would probably attack you first, giving me a chance to escape."

"What?!" exclaimed Robbie, though he quickly realized from her playful smile and twinkling eyes that she was joking.

"Very funny," laughed Robbie. "But I am very eager to hear Link's story of what happened."

"Me too," agreed Purah.

As they arrived at the gates of Hyrule Castle, they were escorted to the main dining hall.

The polished marble floor of the dining room gleamed under the warm sunlight that streamed in through the stained glass windows. It cast a kaleidoscope of colors on the fine linen tablecloth draped over the long banquet table. The air was filled with the pleasant scent of fresh flowers and rich food.

Inside, Zelda stood at the head of the table as she inspected every detail to ensure perfection. She wore her golden crown for the occasion, which sparkled in the sunlight.

"Welcome," she greeted them with a gracious smile. "Mipha and Link should be joining us shortly. I am quite eager to hear all Link has to tell us. I've been thinking about it all week."

"We are happy to be here, Your Majesty, and just as eager," Purah replied while Robbie nodded in agreement.

Just then, Mipha and Link entered the hall, looking stunning in their Zora attire. Mipha's jewelry glinted in the light, and Link's polished Zora armor shone silver and blue as he walked confidently beside her.

Zelda greeted Mipha with a warm hug. "You look stunning as always, Mipha, and forever young," she said.

"Thank you, Zelda. You look beautiful too," replied Mipha.

"Now, let's give a round of applause to our hero of Hyrule," announced Zelda, prompting everyone to clap and cheer for Link.

He blushed at the attention.

"I thought we agreed not to use titles, Zelda," Link pointed out as they hugged after the applause died down.

"Oh, come on, some formal recognition is well-deserved in this situation," laughed Zelda. "Plus, I make the rules. Now, shall we all be seated?" she added as she gestured for everyone to take their seats.

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