Chapter 31 - Recklessness

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Summary: Link shares memories of some of his less laudable childhood moments with his children, Raypha and Tidon. Robbie continues work on translating the ancient manuscripts found below Hyrule Castle.

A gentle rain was falling on Zora's Domain, the kind of weather that all Zoras welcomed. In the kitchen of their home by Mikau Lake, Mipha was finishing breakfast with her children, Raypha and Tidon, while her husband, Link, was still asleep.

"Is Dad okay, Mom? He's sleeping awfully late," Raypha asked after swallowing the last bite of a Hyrule Bass.

"He's perfectly fine," Mipha reassured her. "He was out late with some old friends. They like to occasionally meet to catch up and reminisce."

"Do you think the fish we put on ice will still taste well enough for Dad's breakfast?"

"It should be," said Mipha. "The ice will keep it fresh, and Hylians aren't as picky about their fish as we are."

"Yes, it's weird, huh? They heat their fish first and then let it cool down. It ends up too dry," said Tidon.

"Well, everyone has their own tastes," Mipha replied. "Besides, I understand Hylians can get sick from undercooked fish, something we're unaffected by."

"Then we had better make sure Dad cooks his fish long enough," said Raypha.

"Anyway, I need to leave. I am meeting with our Chief Architect, Kandon, to review building plans and visit some work sites."

"Do you know Kandon well, Mom?" Tidon asked.

"I got to know him pretty well when we were working together in Kakariko Village during the early days of Hyrule's restoration," Mipha replied. "He's very knowledgeable. Now both of you need to focus on your homework, especially math, to prepare for your test next week. It's fine to solve problems together if you get bogged down. The goal is to learn the subject."

"Got it," Tidon nodded in agreement.

"And remember to take care of your Dad as well."

"No worries, Mom," Raypha assured her.

Mipha leaned down and kissed Raypha's and Tidon's foreheads before departing. Stepping out into the rain, she tilted her head back, allowing the droplets to caress her face, before heading down the path toward the plaza for her meeting with Kandon. Her father wanted her to play a more active role in the area of domain construction, and she didn't mind. She was always happy to help her father in any way she could. When she arrived at the plaza, Kandon was already there waiting.

"Good morning, Lady Mipha," said Kandon. "Lovely weather we're having, isn't it?"

"Yes, good morning, and indeed it is," said Mipha. "It's so refreshing!"

"It's nice to be working together again," said Kandon. "Especially here at our domain. I find working on our architecture to be much more fulfilling than the Hylian construction we undertook. But of course, I understood the necessity."

"Yes, and I'm looking forward to working with you again, too," said Mipha.

"Our first stop should be East Reservoir Lake," said Kandon as they proceeded in that direction. "We're working on one of the piers there."

Meanwhile, the only sound at home after Mipha left was the patter of rain against the house until Raypha spoke up.

"Speaking of math homework, Ti, did you finish the assignment?"

"Yes, I dove into that first thing," Tidon replied. "I still have to wade through the writing assignment, though. Did you have any trouble with it, Sis?"

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