Chapter 28 - Lover's Pond Interlude

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Summary: Mipha and Link take some time away from family to pay a romantic visit to Lover's Pond.

It was early morning in Zora's Domain when Mipha awoke in the slumber pool she shared with her husband, Link. She was excited but also a little nervous. She and Link were planning to go on a trip together to Lover's Pond, just the two of them, and she couldn't wait to spend some quality time with him. But at the same time, she was leaving their two children, Raypha and Tidon, behind for several days, and she couldn't help but worry about how they would fare without her.

Link was still sound asleep, floating peacefully beside her, so she quietly climbed out of their slumber pool, slipped out of the house, and walked to see her father. King Dorephan was also an early riser, greeting his daughter with a hug.

"My dear Mipha," he said. "You look beautiful, as always. Are you ready for your trip with Link?"

Mipha nodded. "Yes, Father. I'm a bit nervous but also very excited."

King Dorephan chuckled. "You and Link certainly deserve some time alone together. But don't be nervous. I know how to care for children, and your dear brother loves playing big uncle to them. Besides, I think you owe me some extra time with my dear grandchildren after your long visit to the Gerudo Desert. I'll take good care of all of them while you're gone."

Mipha smiled. "Thank you, Father. I know I shouldn't worry about the children; they're in good hands with you. It's that I'm not used to being away from them too long. Just try not to spoil them too much, Father."

"I won't, dear - not too much, at least," said King Dorephan.

Then they both laughed as Mipha shook her head. After that, they chatted for a while, catching up on the news and discussing the latest developments in their kingdom. Mipha was always amazed by her father's wisdom and kindness and felt lucky to have him as a parent.

After a while, King Dorephan said, "Well, my dear, I think it's time for you to go. I'm sure your family is awake by now."

Mipha hugged her father tightly. "Thank you again, Father. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too. Now go before Link starts to worry about you. And I will have Sidon pick up the children in a little while."

Mipha smiled and then made her way home to find Link and the children having breakfast. Link's face lit up when he saw her as everyone exchanged good morning greetings.

"You're up early!" said Link. "We saved a Hyrule Bass for you, sweetheart."

"I just needed to confirm our plans with Father," said Mipha as she hugged and kissed Link, then joined the rest of the family at the table.

"Mm, tasty!" said Mipha as she took her first bite of fish.

"And Ray and I settled our disagreement, Mom," said Tidon. "It was my turn to catch breakfast today."

"Good for both of you," said Mipha. "Now, please listen. Your father and I are going to take a trip on our own, and Grandfather will take care of you both while we're gone."

"Yay!" exclaimed Tidon.

"Excuse me?" said Mipha.

"What my inarticulate brother means, Mom," said Raypha as she made a face at Tidon, "is that we're happy you and Dad can have some time together and don't worry about us. We'll be okay with Grandfather and Uncle Sidon."

"That's quite a lot to squeeze out of Tidon's one-syllable exclamation, Raypha," laughed Link. "But Mom and I will take it."

"Yes, sorry, I was just excited," said Tidon. "We'll be good and have a fun trip."

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