Chapter 23 - Gerudo Desert Trip - Part Two

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Summary: Mipha's glance at a wedding picture raises some concerns in her mind. She and her family begin their trip to the Gerudo Desert area.

"This is too cute! Don't move! I'll be right back," shouted Mipha as she rushed into their house to retrieve the Sheikah Slate Zelda had loaned them.

The family had been playing in Mikau Lake just outside their house, and now Link was standing in shoulder-high water with Raypha on one shoulder and Tidon on the other. It reminded Mipha of when the children were small, and she wanted to capture the moment.

"Hold still, everyone, and smile!" shouted Mipha as she returned and took the picture. "Perfect! Now go have fun!"

Mipha returned to the house to put the Sheikah Slate back. She loved taking family pictures, and they already had quite a collection by now. Her interest in picture-taking began years ago, just after the Champions Inauguration ceremony, when Urbosa first showed her that the Sheikah Slate could reproduce lifelike images. Back then, she had wanted a picture of Link and was afraid she had been a bit too obvious about it. But only Daruk seemed to have noticed. So anyway, she still loved having pictures of Link, but also photos of their two children. And pictures of all three of them were even better.

Before putting away the Sheikah Slate, Mipha took a moment to look over their pictures collection. She enjoyed doing that from time to time, especially with Link, so that they could reminisce about their happy life together. Most of the recent pictures were of their children, of course. Some were even taken on their family trip to Rito Village. But eventually, she scrolled back to the photographs Zelda had taken on their wedding day.

What a joyful day that had been! She had realized her heart's desire and married her one true love. And Link said he felt the same way about her. It had been a perfect day, even blessed by the Goddess with a rain shower in the morning. She paused at a picture of her and Link dancing. Link looked so handsome in the clean and polished armor she had made for him! And anyone could see how he beamed with happiness, his bright blue eyes sparkling as he held her close. Then she looked closer at Link and became lost in thought for a moment. But the sound of laughing and splashing from the lake outside brought her mind back to the present. So she put the Sheikah Slate away, ran outside, and waded into the lake.

"We can play for a few more minutes, and then it's time for lunch," said Mipha.

"How about the last one to Lulu Lake has to catch lunch?" Tidon shouted.

"Yay! A race!" shouted Raypha.

"No fair! I'm already worn out," laughed Link. "I should concede the race and save all my energy for catching the fish."

"A little playing with your children tired you out, sweetheart? So do you want me to race you with one flipper?" said Mipha.

"Very funny."

Mipha came beside him and gently caressed his left cheek with the back of her hand. Yes, she was right. Her memory hadn't deceived her. There were some tiny, barely visible lines below Link's eyes now that were not there when they married. It was probably from being outdoors so much, squinting in the bright sunlight reflected off the water. Or maybe he wasn't getting enough sleep.

"What? Is there water on my cheek?" Link asked.

"No, no, it's nothing, sweetheart. Are you ready to race?"

"Seriously? What chance do I have against three Zoras?" said Link.

"Aw, come on, Dad! Don't be a shallow shoal!" shouted Raypha. "We'll give you a head start by counting to three. Tidon will probably lose his balance anyway and finish last."

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