Chapter 8 - Happy Anniversary!

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Summary: A year goes by, and Link pledges his loyalty to the Zora Kingdom, as Mipha and Link celebrate a quiet but memorable first anniversary.

It was early evening in Zora's Domain, and Mipha stood in the highest gazebo structure looking out at the Great Zora Bridge. She had finished her work for the day and was awaiting Link's return from Hyrule Castle. Queen Zelda had needed him there for a week, but Link had promised he would return today, and she knew he would keep his word. For one thing, he always did. But for another, tomorrow was a special day for them, their first anniversary, and he promised he would not miss that for the world. She was waiting to see him ride up, hop-off Epona, and then run across the bridge. He always did that when he returned from a trip, run across the bridge. He told her he did that for two reasons. First of all, he liked to keep in shape. Secondly, he couldn't wait to hold her in his arms again. Then he would kiss her and tell her the second reason was the more important one. And she knew that too.

As she waited, she remembered other times they had spent together in this gazebo. When Link was quite small, they had played here, sliding down the waterway together. She would hold him in front of her, and he would giggle all the way down as they slid together along the curved waterway, treating it like a water slide. He was such a cute little boy, and so active! And when he was older, they sometimes came here to sit and talk or share a snack. They used to talk then about their lives, and he was such a happy person with a ready smile, though always respectful of her as a princess. That was before he was older and chosen by the sword, before Ruta was discovered, and way before he was assigned as Zelda's knight. Those were happy and carefree days too.

The sun had set now, and stars were starting to appear between wisps of gray clouds as she continued to look toward the end of the bridge in the distance. And then she finally saw him, a solitary horseman, riding full speed to the domain entrance. He hopped off Epona, leaving her to graze, and started running. As he reached the other end of the bridge and was welcomed by the two guards on duty there, she shouted and waved to him. He looked up, saw her, and waved back. Then he made his way to her, and they rushed into each other's arms.

"I missed you, darling," said Link as he took her in his arms and smothered her with kisses, ending with a nice long romantic one. It wasn't too long a kiss as Link was still out of breath. But the passion and feeling in his kisses confirmed how much he missed her. And she kissed him back hungrily, for she had missed him too. Very, very much.

"I missed you too, sweetheart," said Mipha finally when they stopped kissing each other. "I'm too used to having you beside me each night. I'm glad you made it back in time, though I always knew you would."

"Of course I would, sweetheart," said Link. "Nothing could keep me from being back with you in time for our special day tomorrow."

Then they kissed again, and she pulled him close to her, and they pressed against each other. How could she ever live without him now? She was hopelessly in love with him, more so than before they were married.

"Have you eaten?" said Mipha finally.

"No, I rode straight through," said Link. "I couldn't spare a moment getting back to be with you, darling."

"So sweet," said Mipha as she brushed his hair back from his forehead. She just couldn't keep her hands off him! "Let's go home, and I'll cook you a fish while you freshen up."

"A princess cooked meal," said Link taking her hand as they started making their way home. "How can I resist?"

"Just don't get spoiled," said Mipha. "It's only because I missed you so much. And you know how I hate to see good fish ruined by getting burnt."

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