Reunion (light Zhongli/Venti)

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05.12 .2021
I feel like this doesn't represent my work properly anymore.
The stories get longer in later chapters, the ship is always mentioned at the title.

Please check it out and feel free to leave a comment if you got any wishes <3


Aether and Venti had been traveling together for some time now but the bard never agreed to join whenever Aether had to go to Liyue. At first the blonde didn't think about it, but slowly began to wonder.
What could be so bad about meeting his oldest friend?
"Hey, join me today? I have to do something in Liyue but after that we could go out to eat?", Aether asked innocently, wanting to finally find out why Venti didn't want to meet Zhongli. As always, Venti blushed and shook his head.
"uhm..I really have something else to right now..", Venti answered and grinned mischievously. When he wanted to leave, Aether grabbed his wrist and looked at him sternly.
"Why do you always make up excuses if it's about going to Liyue? It's not like Morax and you are ex-lovers or anything..", Aether said looking at Venti curiously who suddenly blushed heavilly. Venti shook his head frantically and giggled almost hysterically.
"Ehe...he...hmh yes, it's not like that. Totally not like that. Nothing ever happened between us. Totally not.", he replied fast and nervous trying to free his wrist.
Aethers eyes widened and he suddenly started to laugh.
"Ha! I knew it! I get that this could be a little akward then but...Did it end badly?", it bursted out of Aether which tried to hide his excitement quickly again.
Venti looked at him completely embarrased and shook his head again.
"Not exactly! You don't question me now! I'm really busy. A bard has to make a living, you know.", Venti said, broke free from Aethers grip and vanished before Aether could stop him again. He wasn't going to be questioned now, that was far too embarrasing.

Venti sighed when he sat down on the hands of his statue in Mondstadt. He didn't want to think about this part of his past anymore, but Aether had stirred everything up again. But why should he think about it now? Wasn't he actually happy anyways? Venti sighed again. If he had ever been honest with himself, he would have noticed that it was never really over.
..meeting him can't get that bad, can it?

"You will definitely be late if you walk that slow.", Venti stated smiling when he appeared next to Aether again who was already on his way to Liyue.
"Did you change your mind?", Aether asked a little startled but smiled at him soon.
"It's just...Traveling can be dangerous, you know?"
"If you say so."

It felt strange to be back in Liyue after such a long time.Venti felt almost relieved when he simply accompanied Aether and Morax was nowhere to be seen. What should he have said to him anyway? He couldn't just pretend he hadn't avoided him for many years. Or as if nothing had happened.
Maybe it's better that way ...
Venti thought just seconds before he heard a voice he hadn't heard for so long. He unconsciously winced and avoided turning around. Why the hell did his face suddenly feel so hot?

Aether chuckled seeing his fire truck red face and turned to greet Zhongli properly. The dark-haireds eyes were focused on Venti while he was talking to Aether.
"I suppose you want to keep ignoring me, Barbatos?", Zhongli asked after a few seconds, a small smile gracing his lips. Venti turned rapidly and waved his hands frantically.
"No never. Why should I? As if I had the slightest reason to do so. You don't think I'm scared to talk to you, do you? Absolutely not. Everything is great, really great.", again he spoke way too fast to convince someone.
"Well, it was fancy to see you but now I'd better go again. I'm very busy, you know.", he added fast and grinned a little still blushing like crazy.
"As if.", Aether said making Zhongli chuckle.
"I may have a few minutes ... but only a few.", Venti mumbled quietly and looked at both a little embarrased.
"I'ts a pleasure to hear that.", the dark-haired stated seeming to be a little amused about Ventis behaviour. To Venti's surprise, he didn't seem to be angry or bitter.
When Aether left to finish his duties, the bard felt his heart beat faster.
"A walk would be nice, don't you think?", the geo archon asked and Venti nodded.

They walked through Liyue in silence for a few minutes until Venti could no longer be silent.
"You are not angry or anything?"
"The smell of wine doesn't please me, but that's no reason to be upset."
Venti rolled his eyes but giggled a little. He wanted to make fun of his stiffness but decided it wasn't the time to fool around.
"That's not what I'm talking about..", he mumbled instead.
"I am aware of that. Various stories are written over time that lead to memories. Not all of them are happy, but not all are sad either. While the way we parted bothered me, you always shined like gold in my memory.", Zhongli said calm. His words made Venti blush again.
"You blush a lot these days."
"No I don't! I'M NOT BLUSHING!"
The taller archon only chuckled as a response.
"Somehow you're still you and somehow not ... you've gotten really soft."
"Time changes everyone, even gods, doesn't it...Venti?"
Venti stared at the floor while he kept walking next to him quietly again. Somehow, being with him felt better than he expected. Somehow like before, somehow familiar. And somehow he wanted it to stay that way.

"Can I come by more often?"
"Whenever you want."
"But next time we'll have wine, okay?"
Zhongli only smiled warm when he looked at the other male next to him.
He didn't want to comment something about him either. Maybe it was just really good the way it was right now.
And maybe someday it would be like it used to be.

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