Sugar part 2 (Diluc/Venti)

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Softer Diluc bc he was such a good  boy before his father died and we all know that he still is. My personal headcanon for him is that the moment he accepts (yes accepts) that he fell for someone, he would try to put the world at their feet. In his own sometimes strange and sometimes hidden way.


"Oh dear haha~ ....Well if that's the case, who am I to refuse, love. Let me remove your file and inform the current customers. If you change your mind, you are always welcome, sweetie."
"Wait, Lisa?"
"Yes cutie?"
"Don't tell him yet."
"No?... Venti, if I delete your file I have to inform him that the cooperation is over, after all I charge fees for the service."
"Yes, yes I know that but ... Please wait a little longer, ok?"
"I have to let him know by the end of the month."
"Okay.... thanks Lisa!.. .. ..uh-..bye! See you soon!", Venti suddenly hung up when Diluc returned, not wanting him to find out who he spoke to.

"You could have kept talking on the phone, I didn't want to disturb you.", Diluc said drying his hair with a towel, not aware that Venti was actually staring at him right now.
"Uhm..haha.. it wasn't important...", he mumbled in return, sky colored eyes glued to Diluc's naked, slightly scarred back. That the rich man would actually sleep in sweatpants, and only with these, Venti hadn't expected that as he had been used to silk pajamas and satin nightgowns.
"... where did you get the scars from?", he asked in order not to have to think about nightwear any longer, lifting a finger to carefully touch one of the bigger ones. Diluc moved a little when he felt the touch, enough to not be touched anymore, but didn't turn to show any sign of discomfort.
"I am used to handling claymores, a childhood passion of mine.", he replied emotionless, slipping under the covers to return to reading the article he couldn't finish on the plane.
"Claymores? Impressive! ..But did you hurt yourself with that?", Venti asked, eyes still clued to the redhaired, not used to the fact that he didn't seem to be looking for any physical closeness.
"Well, just because you can handle a sword doesn't mean you are mature enough to assess dangers. The ones on the back are from the knives of the burglars that I wanted to stop.", Diluc didn't know why he told Venti about that, but he didn't really mind it. It was the past, nothing that mattered to him anymore.
"...ohh...How old were you when this happened?", Venti on the other hand was quite battered by the story.
"Ten or eleven, I don't know anymore."
"They did this you even though you were just a kid!?"
"Don't be more horrified about it than I am, there is no need to bother with it anymore.", Diluc replied but smiled a little as he looked at Venti, putting the tablet aside again.
"Do you plan to have breakfast tomorrow morning?", he asked instead of continuing to talk about his past, setting an alarm clock so as not to miss it himself.
"...oh eh..Yeah, sure, could you wake me up if I don't wake up by the alarm?", Venti replied a little distracted and Diluc only nodded in return.

That it really ended like that, that Diluc hadn't tried to be close to him, not even a little bit, irritated Venti more than he had expected. Even though it was dark, he was still staring at the man next to him, not really knowing how to deal with the situation. It wasn't as if he had always liked it, actually he hadn't liked any of the people with whom he had ever entered into such an agreement before, but he was used to it. He was used to let someone touch him in return for the money they spent on him. Of course he knew that this whole agreement was just a pretense act and that there was no reason to pretend anything here alone in this dark room, but he still didn't really know what to do. Or what he would've wanted to do. When he was sure that Diluc was asleep, he cautiously slid a little closer and cuddled up against him, trying not to wake him up under any circumstances. He buried his nose between Diluc's shoulder blades, embracing his scent and warmth, feeling a little calmer immediately. When he heard a small sound, he stayed as calm as possible, trying to appear asleep if Diluc should turn around, but he didn't. For a while Venti just stayed like that, calm and peaceful, until he fell asleep eventually.

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