Freedom may be expensive, love isn't part 2 (Zhongli/Diluc)

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Here comes the..more..interesting (?) part. You wanted submissive Diluc, you get submissive Diluc. Not breedable. Probably.


"Why don't we continue our conversation in a less public place?"

A less public place. Of course Diluc didn't want to deal with the humiliation of making another lewd sound in the middle of a crowd but a less public place? That clearly didn't sound like a good idea. In terms of his unwillingness to have a mate he had wanted to refuse, but in other terms...
Nodding, Diluc took the hand that was reached out to him and dragged the taller man to the courtyard behind the headquarters. Mondstadt was pretty empty today except for a few drunk souls on their way home and the guards that were on duty for the night. The backyard might have been the best or worst choice as there was absolutely no one there, no one that could've seen them. Diluc wasn't really sure if he liked that, well, right now he ..did. It was far less straining to deal with only one person.

While he had been busy leading them outside, his body was reacting heavily to the hand he was holding. The blush on his cheeks was far from being a faint one, the goosebumps on his skin would've been visible to anyone, even Glory. There was no way the other didn't notice it. The redhead felt hot, heated like water in a pot, but for once it had absolutely nothing to do with his vision.

"You seem to have restrained yourself all these years even if I did not demand that. You were aware of that, weren't you?", Zhongli sounded strangely emotionless asking the one question that made Diluc's blush even worse. While the loss of contact of their hands had allowed him to breath again, this definitely didn't make it any better.
"..I was...", the other mumbled in return, averting the dark-haireds gaze out of this strange new feeling of embarrassment.
"...but I did not agree to this contract because ...I wanted to be with someone... ... I had to. ...I was...let's say forced choose someone and your proposal was the best choice for me. You may not be able to understand that, as an alpha, even more as a prime, but I do not want to lead a life as it is intended for me. I do not want to be a wife to anyone, I do not want to be forced to carry someones children just because I was born to do so ...I don't want someone else to be seen as the head of my business just because they got a better position in life ... I don't want.. ... ... them to look down on me... I-", when Diluc started talking he sounded angry, almost as if he were about to rebel against the whole world , but with each word his anger turned more and more into pent up frustration, so much that it ended in completely uncontrolled sobs and teary eyes. A rare emotional outbreak. Only the arms that were wrapped around him, pulling him into a tight comforting hug were stopping him from losing control over this emotions completely. Diluc didn't want to show so much vulnerability, he didn't show it to anyone else ever, but maybe being so close to the only one he had been somewhat familiar with over a distance for years was tearing his guard down. Maybe. Years ago it would have been Kaeya who would've had to listen, but now, now there was only the man that was still some kind of stranger to him.
"You are right, I cannot understand the pressure which seems to burden you. This may have other reasons than you think, but I am aware of the one you mentioned. Nevertheless, why do you assume you would have to live your life a certain way?", stroking the redheads back gently, Zhongli's voice was calm and patient, soothing and not a bit judgmental. It was really reassuring to Diluc. Still, being so close to Zhongli was way too much for Diluc, the sobbing was drowned out by purring, his face unintentionally nuzzled into the others chest. He hadn't wanted that, but he couldn't move away either.
"...because that's how I've always been taught... ", Diluc hated himself for being so honest, but he hadn't felt as good as he did in Zhongli's arms in a long time. He had felt lonely for a long time, but right now he didn't feel that way anymore. Even if it was only for a moment.
"Just because something is expected it does not have to be implemented as long as it is not bound to a contract. The only pre-existing contract in a mortal life is the one with death, nothing else. ..I made this offer to you for my own reasons, but it also serves to enable your freedom. Everything has a price that needs to be paid but some are priceless as you will maybe see for yourself someday. Yet, nothing about it has changed and nothing will be changed should you want to keep this agreement as it is.", moving his hand from Diluc's back to his cheek, caressing it with his thumb, Zhongli made the other look up to him again. The beautiful red eyes were glassy, reddened, his cheeks burning, glowing in a bright red shade, a sight that Diluc would never have wanted anyone to see.
"Zhongli, I-"
Stroking his thumb over Dilucs lips instead of his cheeks, stopping him from continuing to tell what he didn't really want to tell, Zhongli bend down a little to bring his lips close to the others ear.
"Pent-up feelings can lead to a loss of control, I might know a solution to balance you again. Only if you consent, of course."
Diluc could see that even he was still a stranger to the other, the dark-haired man tried hard to ignore his own nature. He could see that he still tried to comfort him even if his suggestion was showing what he intended to do. Zhongli tried to be considerate, asking for his permission instead of taking what was his anyways. Yes, it was never planned to go like this but that voice in his ears was enough to make Diluc's knees go weak.

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