Love is a strange companion (Zhongli/Venti)

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Zhongven and the usual snippet of Zhongchi.

Soulmate Au, where a mark appears on the first spot ones soulmate will touch and vanish as soon as the touch really happens.

Did I cry when I wrote this? Yes. Yes, I did.

It's a long ride my dudes, maybe prepare some snacks or something.


Love, a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. An intense feeling able to survive even the greatest suffering, fragile and yet incredibly strong. Some might call it a divine feeling, some a weakness. Some might be willing to sacrifice their own lives for those they love, others create new life out of this unique feeling.
One could move mountains if they would do it for love they said, how ironic that the one who even created mountains did not know this feeling himself anymore. Or maybe never had really known it.

Golden eyes lingered on the beautiful woman that was sitting between glaze lilies, a gentle breeze carried her soft singing through the fields. The goddess of dust had always loved these beautiful blue flowers and Morax had always loved her, but even if this feeling was so strong that it made his stone heart soft, it was hardly as real as her affection for the flowers was. He knew that now, but knowledge couldn't suppress the pain he was feeling somewhere where only a cold heart should be beating.


The morning air was cool, a sign that winter was approaching the land of rocks, no change of great importance, but a symbol of the feeling in Morax heart. He hadn't said anything, he hadn't done anything, hadn't made himself noticed and yet the sleeping goddess woke up with the feeling of his gaze on her skin. He still didn't say anything, but he didn't have to when she noticed where his eyes were fixed, a handprint on her left knee, dark like a fresh bruise, even the fingertips clearly visible on the inside of her leg. How much they wished that would've been just an injury, just a fleeting sign of a rough deed.

"... it ... it's there since yesterday... I would have already told you if it had been there longer ... Morax... look at me please... that means nothing... and it doesn't change anything .. I love you and only you, you know that, don't you?", sitting up slowly, Guizhong placed both her hands on the others cheeks, holding him like a valuable treasure, a soft touch yet failing to comfort him. Her eyes were warm and honest, but hiding a certain fear, a completely new expression in that blue depths that otherwise only showed him affection.
"..I would always want to believe you, everything you say, everything you do, but one day this mark will no longer be meaningless and your words will be a lie...", the dark-haired did not look at her, his voice still as unmoved as the heavy rocks around them and yet it sounded quieter, muffled by the pressure that seemed to be on his chest.
"That is not true and it will never be true either! Please look at me. ...Don't avoid me, don't shut me out... love...please..", her fragile body was moving closer, gentle fingers now buried in auburn hair, but he still didn't look at her. Not when she was settled on his lap, not when her lips left faint traces of a slowly dying love on his skin.
"...Everything I have ever told you, good or bad, was the truth, the only truth I believe in.... when I told you that I love you, I meant it... and if I tell you now that I will always do, I mean it too...", it was just above a whisper, a quiet attempt to express what she felt, but maybe too quiet to be really heard. Guizhong could feel his heart race under his skin, the unsteady breathing, the pain they both tried to hide, but she knew that it would be the end of something that should never have come to an end. Secretly she wished that they would simply suppress and forget it, that they would ignore this twist of fate, but she knew him too well. She knew that he would never break a contract even if it wasn't his own, even if it meant repressing a love he'd never believed he could feel. And these marks were contracts with fate and someone who might not even know about it.
"I will not blame you will the day ever come when your truth is no longer the same. I myself am the one to blame for denying a truth that I did not want to acknowledge. These connections, maybe I wanted to believe that we could have them without any interference from fate, but it seems like even we cannot escape the things that have been written in the stars. ....My feelings will not change, but I will not ask you to share them once your heart desires someone else...", a lot of kisses had been placed on his lips, some of which he even returned, before he replied and finally allowed their eyes to meet once again. Not for the last time, but for the last time like this.
" you love me, Morax?"
"I always did."
"Then do it once again, if only for today."

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