Only a childhood love? Part 1 (Thoma/Diluc)

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Ah... well no real action in here again I guess ..sorry 😗
(But there'll be a part 2, you know)


"...let's make a promise!", looking up from under his disheveled hair, a young blue-haired boy smiled bright at the other, already holding his hand up ready to make a pinky promise.
"Which one?", smiling no less, Diluc already lifted his hand too but waited for an answer before he would entwine his pinky with Kaeya's.
"When we're old enough, I'm gonna be your best man when you marry Thoma, ok?", Kaeya asked, his smile turning into a cheeky laugh when he noticed how bright red Diluc's face had become in only a fraction of a second.
"Kaeya! Don't say that! ...I'm not going to ...marry him....", the redhead mumbled embarrassed, hiding his face behind his hands.
"But you like him, don't you? Adelinde told me and she never lies to me!"
"...m-maybe? ...but...but not like that!"
"Mhhhh... nope, don't believe you! I saw you draw little hearts on the card you gave him on his birthday! And Iiihiii didn't draw hearts on his card.. hehe...", poking Dilucs side, Kaeya giggled a little and dodged the others harmless attempts to push him away easily.
"Ok ok...but don't tell him! Promise me Kaeya! You have to promise!", now holding his pinky up again, Diluc still hid his face behind one hand but Kaeya could still see him smile a little.
"I, Kaeya, hereby solemnly swear that I won't tell Thoma that you have a crush on him.", giggling, the blue-haired boy hooked his pinky with the other's, one hand above his heart as if he was to take an oath.
"..hehe... don't worry, ok? I already promised to not tell him but you have to let me be your best man if you marry him!", Kaeya still giggled while he talked, causing his words to be all breathy, sometimes even sounding like a little grunting piggy, and turned red himself when Diluc also started to laugh because of that. The red-eyed boy only nodded as a reply, not even knowing what a best man would do but if Kaeya would be with him, everything would be fine no matter the purpose of said best man.

This evening Diluc wasn't able to sleep much, his innocent mind wondered about the idea Kaeya had planted in it. Could he really marry Thoma one day? Would the blonde boy even want that? The small redhead knew that most boys of his age raved about Jean or the Lawrence girl, but since Thoma had never talked about them, there was a chance that he might like him too. Dilucs heart beat fast, the child's soul basking in the feeling of his first puppy love.


"Thoooma, Diluc wants to tell you something!", when the blonde came over to visit the two the next day, Diluc had wanted to be eaten by the ground the second he heard Kaeya talk.
Pushing his arm into the blue-haireds side, Diluc tried to hide his intensely blushing face once again.
".. you promised!..", he hissed quietly, hoping that Thoma wouldn't ask any questions or that he didn't hear them at all.
"I did and I'm not going to tell him.. hehe...", the other boy replied and waved at their friend, ready to tell him about one of the promises they made the day before.
"Thoma? Do you know what Diluc promised me yesterday? He promised me, that I, Kaeya, will be his best man one day!", he announced grinning absolutely shameless and grabbed Dilucs arm to stop him from running back into the mansion.
"Ohhh that sounds cool!...uh... I don't know what a best man does but it's very important at a wedding, right?", the blonde boy replied scratching his head, smiling bright when he approached them.
"...but...uhm...does that mean you want to marry someone?", he asked suddenly smiling a little less, sounding rather confused and also a little bit curious.
Squealing a little pained, Diluc only shrugged his shoulders, too embarrassed to talk to or look at them.
" you want to marry someone one day, Thoma?", Kaeya asked quite entertained by the situation, patting Dilucs arm a little too excited in the process.
"Uhm.... there's ...uh...there's someone I like.... and I...I'd like to.. do my best to help ...them... reach their goals..I'm already learning everything I can to be a great support!... but...I don't know if they like me... you know because all boys like Jean or Eula more... uh uh that ..that doesn't mean that I like a boy!... uh hehe...can we just go and play? Yes? Pleeeease...", blushing like crazy and stuttering a little while he talked , Thoma immediately turned on his heels to head to their usual playground after he finished his last sentence. While Diluc only followed him quietly, wondering who he had been talking about, being at least as jealous as he was excited, Kaeya couldn't stop giggling. He knew exactly who Thoma had been talking about, the little devil had made more than one  promise in the past days, and planned to tease both of them because of it.

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