Lies (Childe/Aether)

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☆ Modern AU ☆


Aether was sick of the always same questions on the same topic. Yes, he was the only one who had never been in a relationship and yes, he was also the only one who was still a virgin, even if he didn't believe all of his friends, but there had to be more important things to talk about. Or any other topics at all. It wasn't like he wasn't interested, he just had never met anyone. Yes, Aether had quickly realized that he was not into girls, but the first boy he was interested in soon was in a relationship with someone else. The fact that both of them were friends with him in the meantime didn't make things any better, but he was happy for the two of them who couldn't have been more different. He was happy for each of his friends who were in a relationship but not about the fact that they couldn't leave him alone. He was only 17, he still had enough time, didn't he?

"Aren't Xingqiu and Chongyun coming?", Amber asked taking a seat next to Lumine, already stealing a pen from her because, as always, she had forgotten everything.
"No, it's their anniversary today.", Xianling replied, carrying a bunch of cupcakes in her hands.
As always, they met at Barbabucks to study or just chat, gathering around snacks and fancy drinks with way too much caffeine for one or the other.
"Anniversary? Already?", Aether asked slumping into his chair ungracefully, throwing his books onto the table like he always did.
"It's already the second. I bet they'll get married sooner than you even get to know someone.", of course, it was Lumine who put salt on the wound. He loved his sister but sometimes he could have killed her, especially when she didn't mince her words.
"Lumi! Give it a rest. I'm 17 and not 70!"
"Yeah 17! You act like a child, no wonder nobody wants you. What a waste of beautiful hair and long eyelashes."
"I don't act like a child."
"You do."
"I don't."
"You do!"
"Guys, shut it. We want to learn. I did not come to listen to your bickering.", Keqing interrupted putting her hands on both of their mouths, looking at them angrily.
The twins rolled their eyes at her, giggling as soon as they looked at each other again and nodded until she finally freed them again. It wasn't the last time that Aether was asked that day when he would finally have a boyfriend, but the first time that he stayed alone longer to actually learn something. He didn't even notice what time it was when he got up to get another coffee.

"One venti caramel frappucino, soy milk and no ice please."
"Sorry Comrade, we'll close in a moment, but how about a cookie?"
Aether didn't know the voice and actually he knew each of the baristas. Sometimes it was Venti who never called him by his real name or Bennett who had never given him the right order, but he had never seen the ginger behind the counter. Since when was he even there? The blonde looked at the ocean blue eyes longer than necessary and felt his heart beat a little faster. The red-haired one was handsome, something Aether could not deny.
"..uh...sorry I..I didn't notice what time it is...I'll leave immediately!", it was more of a murmur leaving Aether's lips, a pale blush creeping onto his face.
"No worries, I'm not angry about staying longer when someone is as cute as you. Caramel frappucino, wasn't it? What's your name?", the answer only made the blush on Aether's face worse, he just nodded several times before he remembered his own name again.
"Aether? Haha, well then, nice to meet you Aether."
Childe winked at him and turned to prepare the order, fully aware of the amber eyes that sticked to his back like bubblegum.
"Here you go, Aether. ..ah no, it's on me. Just come by again soon~"
Aether could only nood again, reaching for the mug with strangely sweating hands. He tried to smile, but it probably looked pretty strained, less cute than he'd hoped it would. Childe only chuckled a little and watched Aether leave the shop shortly after. Of course Aether was cute but he didn't think to much of meeting him, in the end a cute customer was still only a customer.


Aether soon noticed that the pretty ginger only worked there in the evening, a time when the blonde usually wouldn't be there anymore. He also didn't want to go there in the evening too often, afraid to just embarrass himself, but his friends never agreed to meet at a later time. In the next weeks Aether only met the other three or four times, he never had to pay for his order, but he never dared to talk to Childe a little more. Until yesterday he still didn't even know the name of the ginger, but by chance he heard Venti talk about him, telling that Childe had taken over the job after Venti quit to concentrate on the music. A happy coincidence, Aether thought, but didn't really know why he even thought about it.

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