Illusion part 1 (Childe/Diluc)

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Sorry, this took longer than expected. Childe x Diluc isn't the easiest ship to write I guess. Simply because there's no chance they would fall in love at first sight, ignore how much Diluc hates the fatui and make out. At least in my opinion. The pretty firefly doesn't drink either so ...🤷‍♀️ this not only took longer but also got longer than expected. I didn't intend to divide it into two chapters but ..yeah..that's what I did. 🙈


Nothing in the world could have prepared the redhead for what he was about to do within the next 20 seconds. He could have plunged into the abyss and offered himself to everything that was able to simply move a limb and it would have been less unusual, less weird. In comparison, it would have appeared like the most normal thing in the world, almost boring. Possibly this comparison was nothing but a sheer exaggeration, formulated much too dramatically, but if Diluc had been told by someone else before it happened, he would have felt this way. Maybe even worse. But at that very moment, 20 seconds later, he didn't feel any of it. He only felt the searing heat in his veins that did not come from his vision and nothing else than the low hum of his mind that had long since given up to work properly. The dull but fast beating of his heart drowned out every noise that approached his ears while he buried his tongue in the salty, sweet wetness of his counterpart, trying to burn everything about him into his memory.


"I would appreciate if you could just shut up. There is neither a need for a conversation nor do I want to waste just a second of time to listen to you.", Diluc stated harsh, his brows furrowed, his eyes narrow. He never let Childe out of his sight. The fiery eyes pierced through the pale slightly freckled face as he watched the others every movement and the stupid grin that slowly started to form. Childe chuckled. It was almost hearty but even more teasingly. He couldn't deny that he enjoyed seeing how much it annoyed Diluc if he just dared to breathe. He was excited to see how all the pent-up anger in Diluc would one day discharge in an epic fight against him and just the thought of it made Childes' pulse skyrocket. An even more stupid grin forced its way on the gingers face before he managed to put on the trained professional mask of Tartaglia again.
"Hmm.., I agree, but we should at least discuss our approach~", Childe replied, remembering why he was in the same room, in the same hotel as Diluc in the first place.
"I would suggest it like that: Go in, gather information, kill the traitor, leave. Simple and efficient.", as convinced Childe seemed to be, as unconvinced was the expression on Diluc's face. He couldn't suppress the deep sigh that forced itself out of his throat before he stood up and turned away from Childe for the first time since they had met.

"Your suggestion alone is the simplest form of proof of how useless the whole organization is with whose worthless titles you adorn yourself.", Diluc replied completely monotonous, unimpressed by Childe's annoyed growl. When he turned around again, the ginger had already thrown himself on the bed and was staring at the ceiling, a bored attempt not to tear Diluc to pieces on the spot. No wonder  they had almost completely ignored eachother the past two days.

"What do you suggest to do then?", Childe asked anyway, unwilling to listen but curious to know.
Diluc sighed again. It took him a few seconds to overcome himself to even bother to talk to him, but at least he didn't want to have come here for nothing. After all he had promised Aether to try. What a mistake that had been.
"Assuming that you can be made into a decent-looking human being, it would be wise to stick to the plan I had already suggested a few hours ago. I've already gone through the information we received. ....Would you mind to listen?"
"Did you just say that I'm ugly?"
"No. I tried to imply that everything about you is screaming 'Fatui' right into the face of every person you meet. That, in fact, is absolutely unfavorable for our endeavor."
"Oh....yeah whatever, go on."
Diluc rolled his eyes and sighed again. He felt like not even Kaeya did make him sigh as often as Childe did, that was something very very unusual.
"Well, if you're ready to change, it shouldn't be a problem that we mingle with the crowd unnoticed. I myself never took part in the festivities, which means that I seem completely insignificant as long as my name does not come up."
"Ragnvindr, eh? ..haha don't look at me like that. I'm not stupid. I won't just scream you name. Well, as long as you don't make me.", Childe thought of it as a threat and only noticed through Diluc's expression how wrong that must have sounded.  While he was coughing for his life after he had choked on his own spit out of sudden movements, the damage was already done. There was nothing that made him notice it yet, but he definetly would later that night. Way to vivid for his own good.

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