No refund (Childe/Zhongli)

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Modern AU

(I'm sorry if you're already sick of Tartali/Zongchi but they're my fav.)


Looking at his suitcase that was a bit too stuffed, Childe sighed heavily when he moved to sit on it in order to be able to close it. This vacation should've been something special, a romantic trip in order to pop that one question, but now it was only a weird situation that left him with uncomfortable feelings and a heavy heart. Maybe he should've just forgotten about the money, but half a million was just to much to just forget about it and to get a refund had been impossible. The ginger had tried everything to make the travel agency agree to refund him, including some begging and immoral offers, but unfortunately nothing had worked. All he could do was to forget about the money or go on that trip with Zhongli, his ex. It should've been an amazing trip, but now it could only end in an akward situation. They hadn't talked in the past three months, they hadn't seen each other, had no contact at all except for that one call. On the day he left, Childe had been pissed off, now he wasn't angry anymore, but he wasn't happy about the situation either.


"....would you be so kind as to listen to me once?.... Thank you.... so, I said that he is not my boyfriend.", talking to someone on his phone, a little too loud as always since he seemed to be one of the people that didn't understand how things like these worked, Zhongli didn't notice Childe slipping into their livingroom. Of course the ginger had intended to tell him that he was home again, but stayed quiet after hearing the others statement.
"... yes I was already made aware but I do not reprociate his feelings.", for Zhongli this conversation was nothing more than a common chat with one of his friends, but for Childe it sounded like a threat to everything he believed in regarding their relationship.

Not his boyfriend? Doesn't reprociate his feelings? Childe had heard enough before he could really grasp who the dark-haired was talking about. As if a fuse had blown in his head, triggered by some fears that he had at the beginning of their relationship, the ginger rushed out of the livingroom and into their bedroom to grab his stuff. No, he wouldn't wait a second longer to get out of this. He wouldn't allow someone else to toy with him any longer. At the very beginning of their relationship he had feared that they couldn't be a real thing, the one thing, he had just felt too happy for it to be real, but over time all his doubts had been erased. What an idiot he had been to believe that Zhongli could and would really love him. How long was he already telling everyone that they weren't a couple? How long were his friends already making fun of him? Childes heart ached incredibly but he couldn't just listen to whatever excuse Zhongli might have told him if he had just asked about the conversation.
"Childe you're home! ... ... what are you doing? Do you need to go somewhere for work?", the voice that sounded excited at first had turned into a worried one, amber eyes followed the movements of his beloved confused.
"I'm leaving.", the ginger hissed, shoving Zhongli aside in the process of packing his bag.
"I can see that... but where exactly do you intend to go? And are you able to estimate your return? ... ... Ajax, why don't you just tell me what happened... please. Do we have to move again? If you would give me an hour, I-"
"I dunno. Snezhnaya, a hotel, I don't care. I just have to get out of here!"
"..... are......are you leaving"
"Yes goddammit! Thought I'd let you toy with me a little longer, eh? Bad for you that I already got it. You'll have to find someone else to play your games with!"
"Ajax, please, what are you talking about?", following the other through their appartement, Zhongli tried to stop him from moving but failed. Childe was too upset and stubborn to be stopped.
"That 'he's not my boyfriend' stuff? Thought I wouldn't hear that, huh? Well, I did. Thanks for finally telling the truth I guess."
"Ajax I was not-", even before Zhongli could have finished the sentence, the door of the apartment slammed in front of his face and Childe was gone. No matter how fast and far Zhongli followed him, he couldn't find him anywhere.

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