Romance Novel (Xingqiu/Chongyun)

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"However, if you want to read something else, I would recommend this book to you. This novel is very popular in Liyue at the moment and, as I have heard, in other parts of Teyvat too.", the vendor at Xingqiu's favorite store said and held a book in front of his face. The blue-haired looked at the titel curiously. It wasn't exactly his favorite genre, but it wouldn't hurt to read it either.

Already five days had passed since Xingqiu had left the store and hadn't taken his eyes off the novel since then. Actually it was a classic youth novel, two best friends who at some point discover that they are in love with each other. In fact, exactly the same as many other books, but this one was different in Xingqiu's eyes. One of the protagonists just reminded him a lot of Chongyun and without noticing it, he himself was pretty similiar to the other protagonist.
"Are you still reading this? Come on, let's go eat something. I'm starving.", Chongyun said when he approached Xingqiu from behind and ruffled the others hair.
"Hmh...just one moment...I have to finish this chapter first...", Xingqiu mumbled not minding Chongyuns tries to annoy him. The light blue-haired sat down next to Xingqiu to wait, crossed his arms and closed his eyes.
"Gonna take a nap until you're ready.", he stated and rested his head on Xingqius shoulder. He knew that it would take some time until Xingqiu was able to put the book aside. It always took some time.

The blue-haired didn't notice how much time had passed until it already became dark outside. Chongyun was still napping when Xingqiu finally closed the book and looked at the other boy. The goofy face made him smile. Chongyun was kind of cute when he slept. Xingqiu sighed when he tried to wake him up carefully but failed. Well, then just like always. Xingqiu just got up quickly which caused Chongyun to fall over and wake up.
"Heeeeey.....that was mean! Now you have to pay for the food as an excuse!", Chongyun stated fake upset and grinned. The blue-haired nodded.
"Of course my liege."

They went to grab some food at the Wanmin Restaurant. As always Xingqiu tried to fool Chongyun into eating spicy food while he was only hoping to get something that wasn't too unusual.
"Tell me, are you finished with the book soon?", the light blue-haired asked while cautiosly taking a bite of his food.
"I think so. Do you mind me reading while we are together now?"
"No no, it's not like that... Just looks like you like this better than me right now."
"Huh?... I always read when we're together...That is nothing new.."
"Yeah but you look different while reading this and you read it twice now."
"..hmh...happier I guess...ugh nevermind..."
"You're not jealous of a book are you?"
"What?! No way! That would be stupid and friends aren't jealous of anything at all.", Chongyun replied and laughed a little. In fact, he was kind of jealous, he just didn't understand why.
The blue-haired nodded and ate his meal in silence. Somehow Chongyun's words weighed on him.
Friends aren't jealous..Yes, that is indeed true...
He thought mindlessly shoving another piece of food into his mouth and looked at the other boy who also was focused on his meal.
The word echoed through his mind until he finally noticed why Chongyuns words weighed on him.
It wasn't the book that he liked so much. Xingqiu blushed a little. It wasn't the image of his friendship with Chongyun that was potrayed in it that he liked, but what followed between the characters.
The blue-haired shook his head.
... We've been friends for so long ... why are you even thinking about that?
Xingqiu tried to brush it off but felt his heartbeat increase.

"Are you ok? You're kinda red, you know.", Chongyun asked slightly concerned but didn't really worry. Eating Xianglings meals often caused strange reactions.
"I'm not. I? ...I guess it's just the food ...", Xingqiu mumbled trying to not blush more out of embarrasment.
"Nevermind...Shall we get popsicles now? I know you like them as a dessert ... and actually always."
"Sounds good. Let's go."

They went to get them and walked along the harbour like they often did. Chongyun told the other a story about a few days ago but Xingqiu still seemed to be distracted.
The light blue-haired sighed when he noticed it.
"You're not thinking about that book aren't you? Xinnie?", he asked and stepped infront of Xingqiu to stop him from walking.
"Your interest in that is slowly really not normal anymore .. maybe you are obsessed .. I can help if that is the case!"
"Huh? Obsessed? ..Do not be absurd. I was just thinking about something."
"About what? You're red again, you know. And you know that you can tell me everything, right? I'm starting to worry."
"No, don't worry. But tell me... Have you ever thought about the future?"
"Eh? Why are you asking that now? But sure everyone does, right?"
"And what did you think of?"
"Well at some point I have to earn money ..."
"I didn't mean professionally."
"You mean my private life? Hm..I hope we are still together in the future.", Chongyun replied and smiled bright which made Xingqiu smile too but soon he looked almost a little sad.
"I hope that too.."
"Then why are you looking like that now?"
"Yun ... what ... what if..."
"You are really strange today. Finally tell me what's going on. And give me your ice cream before it's all melted."
The blue-haired chuckled and handed it to Chongyun. It was actually good the way it was, wasn't it? Why change something? Why take a risk? As long as they stayed together, it wouldn't matter what happened. But the thought didn't feel as satisfying as Xingqiu had hoped.

He suddenly wrapped his arms around the other boy and hugged him tightly, nuzzling his face into the nape of his neck.
"Huh? Uh...", Chongyun giggled surprised but placed his free hand on Xingqius head to stroke it slowly.
"Don't be mad at me ok?"
"Why should-", before Chongyun could finish his question the blue-haired had placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Xingqiu turned around immediately after the short kiss and starred at the ground embarrased.
Oh by the archons ... that was definitely a mistake ...
He thought and slowly started to walk away not able to face Chongyun again.
The light blue-haired looked at him with wide open eyes, blushing like crazy, completely confused.
"H-hey wait!", he yelled and followed Xingqiu quickly even if he didn't know what to do himself.
"Is that why you were ... so weird today ...?", he asked quietly when he walked next to him again.
Xingqiu didn't reply and only nodded a little.
"You are so smart but're not. You don't just walk away after kissing someone. Even I know that."
"..I beg your pardon?"
Chongyun chuckled and grabbed the others hand.
Xingqiu blushed a little again, still not able to face Chongyun. But holding his hand was at least a good thing. That meant he wasn't angry, right?
"I already told you that I always want to be with you."
"But that doesn't mean that you ..."
"Hm.......You always think too much.", Chongyun said, placed his hand on Xingqius cheek to make him look at him and leaned closer to kiss him. The kiss was also short, soft and a little awkward, but this time it was returned.

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