Windwheel aster (Aether/Venti)

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A little short but cute 🙈


"Do you want to write a poem too? Paimon thinks whoever you like would be happy about it!", Paimon asked smiling happily while she shoved sticky honey roast into her kirby-esque mouth.
"Whoever I like? ...You know that I like somebody?", Aether looked a bit confused, almost embarrased.
"Now I do!", the pixie giggled and Aether sighed. Yes, now she knew that he actually had a crush, luckily she didn't know who and Aether would do his best not to reveal it either.
"...I don't think I'm good at writing  poems. That would be more embarrassing than romantic in any way..."
"Yeah.. Paimon is pretty sure you'd suck at this. Hehe...But we could buy a gift. Or go out to dinner with them? Food is always good idea!"
"Paimon ... if I ever go out with that person, you definitely won't come along. You don't just take your traveling companion with you on a date. And not anyone else either."
"Meanie! You're about to get a nickname too!"
Aether laughed and Paimon stubbornly shoved another piece of meat into her already stretched cheeks.

A gift. Without wanting to admit it, Aether didn't think the idea of getting a present was too bad. But what should he buy? Of course he knew what Venti liked, but wine and apples didn't seem like the best gifts. Not to express what he couldn't say. Majorie's offers didn't quite convince him and since he wanted to keep it a secret, he couldn't ask anyone else.
He was about to give up when Jean inadvertently gave him an idea. Maybe, but really just maybe he wasn't as unromantic as he'd thought. Hopefully he wasn't as unromantic as he'd thought.

The Windblume festival took its course and Aether fulfilled his task of offering a flower to the anemo archon. It was not difficult for him to choose a flower, he knew exactly which one to take, regardless of whether someone else thought it was the right choice. Helping Venti clear Dvalin's territory, he thought about how to tell him what he needed to tell him. Getting more and more nervous he could hardly concentrate as they looked at the landscape and Venti explained that there was no right choice in the sense of freedom and love.
"Ehehe, enough serious words.", the bard stated, sat down on the edge and swung his legs in the air. Aether slowly sat down next to him and took a deep breath. Before he turned to Venti, he took something out of his pocket and held it out to the other.
"Huh? don't have to give me a flower personally too.", Venti said with a grin when he accepted the windwheel aster anyway.
"I know ... it's not a gift to you as Barbatos, but to you as Venti .. you know ... I didn't choose the windwheel aster for nothing ... I ... uhm... whenever I see them I have to think of you. The way they swing in the wind, how the leaves turn, it all reminds me of you...and that makes me smile. makes me feel at home even if I'm far away from makes me feel in company even when I'm alone ... make me feel this way ...", Aether's voice was shaky and most of the time he looked into the distance instead of looking at Venti. Fiddling nervously with his scarf, he waited for some reaction from the bard.

Venti was blushing heavily. For once he lacked the words to answer directly, he didn't even giggle like he usually did.
"..Aether...", he started to whisper but stopped himself again. Aether's heart raced, that Venti didn't answer made everything worse. He would have loved to just jump off the edge, embarrased and confused. When the bard suddenly swung his arms around his torso and hugged him tightly, Aether couldn't suppress a nervous giggle.
Venti was almost sitting on Aethers lap when he looked at him and grinned happily.
"Does that mean you want to date me? Hehe...only if you pay.", he said cheerfully and squeaked when Aether poked him in the side, looking at him fake upset.
"..Venti..I'm serious..", the blonde mumbled, slowly lifting his arms to return the hug.
Venti giggled but instead of answering, he pressed a kiss on Aether's lips, wrapped his arms around Aether's neck and looked at him lovingly.
"I know. So where are we going? After these words I do have some expectations for our first date~"
"...first do I impress an old man like you? what do old people like to do? Feed birds? Go for a walk? Or is that too strenuous?", Aether said excessively serious and laughed when he saw the look on Ventis' face.
"Hey! You Meanie!"

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