Stammkunde (Childe/Diluc)

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Dedicated to _Narrator_Lady_ one of my giveaway winners 💕 I hope you'll like it!
Sorry it took so so long 🙈

At the time I was writing it, I noticed that I was about to write a whole multi-chapter book. I've got a huge idea for it, but as it wouldn't fit in here, I had to cut a lot of things out. Maybe I'll write that book one day because I love the idea. Ah and I was asked for a slowburn so...
I'm taking the slow seriously this time.
10k words slow haha.
And uhm tell me if you want a part two..(Probably angsty  bc identity reveal, etc etc)

Translations in order:
☆ Stammkunde => Regular costumer
☆ "...Es scheint als wäre mir keine Pause von dem Unsinn vergönnt..." => "It seems like I'm not allowed to have a break from this nonsense.."
☆ "...danke." = "...thanks."
☆ "...das hast du nicht, es war ganz das Gegenteil.." => " didn't, it was quite the contrary.."

The day they first met wasn't different from every other. It was sunny and warm, only a gentle breeze carried another bards tale through the bustling city. After the bartending course, which had attracted a lot of attention, the tavern was often well frequented early in the day already, and new guests who had never been seen there before were no longer a rarity. With Luka and Charles at his side, Diluc hardly had any problems coping with the extra work, but he also had to work there more often then he was used to. It wasn't bad, quite the contrary, but it was different.

"I still can't believe he came here without telling me.... that goddamn buffoon.", ever since Aether had been working in the tavern and a guest from Liyue had appeared, Diluc had heard Venti whine about something else every day. Most of the time it was about this one guest, but he wasn't aware why it was bothering the bard that much.
" far as I remember you wanted to write to him...", wiping the counter to give the whole thing the finishing touches for the new day, Diluc tried to appear as a slightly more social person than usual. He wasn't one for idle chit-chat most of the time since he considered it a waste of time, but now that he was spending so much time in the tavern anyway, he tried to make the most out of it. He couldn't pursue his usual tasks at the moment anyway.
"Ehuh! I did! But you know what? The blockhead didn't reply!", Venti replied balky as a child and let his head fall back on the counter with a dissatisfied expression. He really couldn't stand it when his old friend ignored him like that.
".... did you also refer to him as blockhead and buffoon in your letter? If so, I may have an idea why he didn't reply.... to the left please... ", it was a hassle having to keep wiping around the bard, but fortunately he moved seats often enough to ensure every spot could be cleaned from time to time.
"Nohoo? What do you even think of me? ...I'm really not that uncivilized! ... I greeted him in the most polite way, asked how he was doing and invited him to come back to spend some time with me, his oldest friend... I even made a joke!"
" that just amuses you or one that's actually funny?"
"How dare you to say that my jokes aren't funny? I'm hurt Master Diluc... ehe... you know when he uses his elemental abilities he often says 'I will have order' and I asked if he will have order at the tavern....ehehe...Funny, right?", wheezing again at his own joke, Venti didn't notice how Diluc just rolled his eyes without even considering it worthy of a response. He heard a lot of nonsense from the patrons of the tavern, that too was just something he could put in the same mental box.
"'re such a spoilsport least I already know that Aether will appreciate my humor even if you don't."
"...appreciate or tolerate?"
"How can you treat me like that? Doesn't the city's beloved archon mean anything to you anymore?"
"The archon does but the ever-scrounging bard? I guess I have to think about that first.", even though Diluc's reply conjured a pouty expression on Ventis' face, the bard only laughed when he heard the other chuckle. After all, that was something very rare anyway.

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