Holiday Drabbles

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Ok ok I know I said Diluc/Albedo would be next but as I'm currently in Greece (enjoying my life for once, no worries I'm a fully vaxxed bean, wearing a mask whenever necessary, wash my hands properly, etc. ) I wanted to gift my babies a lil holiday too. we go. Enjoy two silly short stories while I'm restoring my HP. ✌🏻 pic is were I wrote this haha.


I. I thought you got the key! (Kaeya/Venti)

"... and here is the key to your room, please take care of it. If you lose it, we will have to charge you a fee. This fee is approximately 10% of your accommodation costs. You can leave the key here at any time when you leave the hotel and pick it up again when you return. We wish you a nice stay, enjoy your vacation.", actually, neither of them had listened anymore even before they had received the key to their hotel room. Since entering the hotel, both had only one thing in view: the hotel bar right by the pool. Barely ten minutes passed between entering their room and taking a seat at the bar. It was easy when you didn't really care about anything. Swim shorts and an unbuttoned shirt were enough of a summer outfit for Kaeya and Venti was already in bathing clothes, covered by one of Kaeya's t-shirts, when they boarded the plane.

"Would you like a glass of wine or would you prefer a whole bottle?", the bartender innocently asked, causing both of them to chuckle.
"Hah..We're on vacation dear, how about you hand us one of each on the menu?", Kaeya replied as smug as ever while Venti only nodded enthusiastically.
"Sir, we have fifteen different wines on offer ..."
"Ehuh, that's exactly what he was asking for, lady..hehe.."
"Soo..fifteen bottles?... I see ... your room number, please..."
"Alright... And two glasses?"
"That would be great."
Of course, she granted them their wish even if she wasn't entirely comfortable with the matter. Fifteen bottles of wine for two? That couldn't end well.


"...aaand tomorrow we have to visit the city ... oh oh and the beach ... we have to go to the beach too!", one bottle in, Venti was still optimistic that tomorrow they would spend the day like most tourists.
"Hmmm~ but we could go to the beach tonight too~", a little smirk that could kill poor womens hearts revealed that Kaeya was also optimistic. Perhaps not in terms of tourist activities, but in terms of dirty ones.
"..hehe...sounds good to me~", throwing his legs over Kaeyas, Venti opened the next bottle, grinning a little as he exchanged looks with the blue-haired. They really deserved a little luxury these days. And if luxury consisted of fifteen bottles of wine and naked bodies, it definitely was luxury.


Five bottles in Venti had moved to Kaeyas lap, dissatisfied with how uncomfortable the bar stool had been in comparison.
"..They should just buy some that are like you... comfy seat, nice pillow...ehehe..", he stated grinning, nuzzling his face in Kaeyas chest for a few seconds before he simple rested his head against it. He had stolen a straw so he could drink the wine contentedly and easily in this position. Style was overrated anyway.
"But if they would do that, you wouldn't have to be on top of me anymore ... hmm no I don't agree with that~", Kaeya replied, his arm wrapped around Venti's waist, pulling him closer. The smaller one simply giggled in return.


Perhaps they were alcoholics enough to tolerate five bottles of wine, but the seventh made it more noticeable that the alcohol worked it's magic.
"'re the grannies darling but they certainly didn't find that funny....but I do...hehe..", Venti couldn't form any sentence without giggling anymore.
"Hm? Oh..come on, children have to believe in some fairy tales haha.", Kaeya replied plastering kisses on Venti's face, so many that the smaller one couldn't defend himself anymore.
"...But the..hehe stoooop.... souls of fireflies trapped in lanterns?... That's mean hehehe...Sir! Stop it!...hehehe...I'll spill all the wine on you..."
"As long as you clean me up again, I'm not mad about it~"
" smooth bastard...ehehe..."
Kaeya chuckled a little, showing not even the slightest hint that he would stop doing it. Even if Venti had already turned squeaky red.
"How about we take the other bottles to the beach? It's getting dark already~"
Punching Kaeyas chest playfully, Venti didn't intend to hide his blush, he embraced everything that happened.
"...ehe..but it's your fault when I get sand stuck all over the place.."
"I can handle that~"

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