Truth (Kaeya/Aether)

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Actually this is a pretty old one I forgot to post here 🙈


Maybe the fear had always been there. Maybe Aether had always known it but he never wanted to listen to the voice in his head that wanted him to be careful. Maybe he wanted to lie to himself because living a lie was much easier than facing the truth. But every lie would eventually be exposed one day. And now that it was exposed Aether could no longer look away.

The blonde stared at the sleeping blue-haired next to him. His heart ached looking at the man he loved. The man he thought he knew. But know it felt like he looked at a stranger. Did he ever know him? Did he ever know the man he trusted so much? Kaeya didn't know that Aether had discovered the truth a few days ago. The blonde hadn't said a word about it. He couldn't say anything because he couldn't process it, but now he couldn't be silent any longer.
Aether didn't know what to do.
He sighed heavily when he sat up and shook the other to wake him up.
Maybe he should have just killed him, but he couldn't. Not after all this time.
"Kaeya.", Aethers voice was shaky.
"Hm?..what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?", the warmth of his voice made Aether's heart ache even more.
"I wish it would be one.", the blonde replied and Kaeya sat up to look at him concerned.
"Aether, what's going on?"
"Kaeya..I..I want to break up.", Aether had to look away to surpress his sadness. He couldn't face the others devastated expression.
"Aether,... that's... not the right time to joke around."
"I am not joking. I know who you are. I know that you lied to all of us the whole time. Kaeya, if that's really your name, I can't and don't want to be with you anymore. ... I really loved you, but if you get in my way, if your  decision is against us, I will not remember this love anymore...", it had never cost Aether so much strength to speak as it did at that moment. He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream. But he did nothing of that. Aether grabbed his clothes and his bag and left the room without looking at the blue-haired again.

Arriving at the dawn winery Aether couldn't hold his tears back any longer when Diluc opened the door.
The red-haired was wearing pajamas and looked at him confused when Aether fell into his arms crying like a baby. Diluc sighed when he stroked the blondes back to comfort him.
"You know now don't you?", he asked earning the most upset and sad expression from Aether.
"All the time."
"Why...didn't something?"
"For the same reason you didn't do anything today."
"To this day he didn't do anything against us. That's why I couldn't do it. But I will when the day comes."
Aether was crying too hard to get a word out. He soaked Diluc's pajamas in tears and clawed his hands into the red-haireds back.
"..will...will this day...come?", he mumbled even if he didn't want to know the answer.
"He will have to make a decision. The only question is which one it will be."

Aether stayed with Diluc for that night. He didn't want to be alone and really needed the platonic cuddles. The red-haired didn't feel overly comfortable but couldn't fail him either. He sighed when Aether had finally fallen asleep. Diluc carefully moved him away, covered him up with a blanket and quietly left the room.

"You have no business here. Leave.", he whispered sharp when he arrived back at the entrance hall.
"I want to talk to him.", Kaeya replied stern.
"There's no way in hell."
"You have nothing to do with it. None of this has anything to do with it."
"You're a threat to all of us, brother."
Kaeya sighed heavily. He had no intention to fight Diluc.
"Take my sword. Take my vision. Take whatever you need. Just let me talk to him."
"You're a lying piece of shit, Kaeya. You have nothing more to say to him. You have no right to say anything at all."
"It's true. I lied. Maybe I lied about my entire life, about who or what I am. About everything but I didn't lie about what I feel for him. You can hate me if you want to. Aether can hate me if he wants to. I deserve all of that but I want him to know that I love him. That was never a lie. I know I really fucked up. I knew that one day my lies would take everything away from me but I didn't know that they'd take away what is the most precious to me...", he never had sounded this honest ever before. Diluc sighed still looking at him sharp, his sword ready to erase the other from the surface.
"Answer one question. In all these years, was what ever this gets you worth to fool the ones that cared about you and treated you as if you were their family?", the red-haired asked emotionless and chuckled pejoratively when Kaeya shook his head.
"Not anymore. Losing the knights would have been worth the price. Losing you wasn't worth it anymore, but I accepted it. But losing him...feels like the universe in my hands is falling apart. ..Hah...I missed talking to you. What a shame it has to be like this.", his sad expression changed into his usual one but for once it was only to hide his vulnerability.
"Some things are irreversible but maybe others can still be saved. It's up to you to change something. Make a decision. If it's against us, I'll wipe you out. But if your decision is for us, for Aether, I will wipe out everyone who threatens you because of it.", Diluc stated offering the first warm expression Kaeya had seen from him in years. He could see it underneath the hard words and sharp eyes, it made him sigh heavily.

It had already been five days since Kaeya had left the winery and the city.  He had left wordlessly after Diluc's last words and has not returned since. Diluc hadn't told Aether about it. He hadn't told the knights about it. He gave him a chance and waited for it to expire.

Aether roamed around the winery late at night. He needed some fresh air and a few minutes to himself. But he already knew that he had never been alone.
"Aether...would you listen to me for a minute?", the blue-haired knight asked just above a whisper.
Aether turned to him. It hurt but he had to look at him. He had to see him again.
"There is nothing to be said.", he replied even if it was really hard to not start to cry immediately.
"It is. Aether..I may have lied about everything I am and have ever been, but what I feel for you was always real. I may have made many mistakes, many that cannot be forgiven, but I don't want you to be one of those mistakes. I don't know what to expect, I don't know what will happen if I make a decision, no, if I stand by my decision, but I want you to know that I never intended to hurt you. If I could I would turn back time, even if that means I would never have met you. Love is a strange thing isn't it? So long she had no meaning to me and now I would sacrifice everything for the only person I have ever loved. For you. I guess I said enough. This seriousness doesn't suit me at all."
Aether had looked at him the whole time. Each of his words echoed through his mind getting louder with every second. Aether wanted to scream. He wanted to scream out his pain, he wanted to insult the other, he wanted to do everything to silence him, but he didn't do any of it.
"What's your decision?", he asked instead. It was now that Aether recognized that Kaeya wasn't wearing his vision, that he wasn't carrying a weapon and not even his eye patch.
"Isn't it obvious? I will pay whatever price the truth costs."
"What will be the price?"
"I will see. But I am ready for anything."

Aether had left him after that and Kaeya had started to organize his life.
Jean was disappointed, maybe hurt too. It was hard for her to fire one of the best knights, but she had to. But she forgave him. Kaeya had to face Lisa's anger, Albedo's anger, everyone's anger, but he endured every word, every gesture. He accepted the silence, the punishing looks. He accepted to lose everything to start over.

"It'll never be the same again but if it was the same, nothing would have changed, right?", Aether said taking a seat next to Kaeya. Kaeya nodded smiling a little , cupped the others cheek and leaned closer to kiss him.
"The only important thing hasn't changed.", he replied and placed another kiss on Aethers lips.
"And I'm ready to wait for anything else."

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