Secrets (Zhongli/Childe)

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- Modern AU -

"'s fucking huge. How am I supposed to know where A112 is? I don't even know where the hell I am now...", Childe muttered to himself,  accidentally knocking over other students, looking for the room where his first lecture should take place. 
"Watch out, asshole!", Keqing scolded when she got up from the floor again, picked up her books and stared at Childe angrily.
"Oh sorry, didn't mean to...Uh, hey, do you know where A112 is?"
"Don't tell me you're this Tortilla guy..."
"...Tartaglia. But Childe will do, ok?"
Keqing sighed, put on her friendly face and motioned for him to follow her.
"...Listen, I'm Keqing, we're studying the same thing and I'm supposed to show you around here. But don't expect too much.", she stated a little friendlier and went to the lecture with him.

"Guys listen, thats Tortilla but you can call him Childe. Here we are, just sit down somewhere. After the lesson I'll show you the most important places, ok? So don't dawdle.", Keqing said and sat down next to Mona, completely ignoring Childe now.
"Ayo mate, Tortilla huh?..Whatever. You can sit here.", Beidou greeted him and tapped the chair next to her.
"It's Tartaglia. But just forget about it. Is she always like that?", he asked when he took a seat next to Beidou, staring discreetly at her eye patch.
"Beidou. Yeah, whatever. Haha...curious about ma eye, eh? Got stabbed. Nothing I couldn't take."
Childe laughed, fascinated how easily she took it and relieved to have met a person with whom he could get along pretty well.
"Stabbed? Alright, it's not that dreary here after all. So what are you guys doing all day?"
"Hm .. Wanna join us grab a few drinks tonight?"
"On a tuesday? Yeah, sounds great."
"Yeah normally we go on wednesdays but little miss perfect over there doesn't dare to go alone today."
"Huh? Why?"
"Ah girly got a crush on one of ma girls fellow students and since she's meeting him there today, we will too."
Childe chuckled. With Beidou at his side, the first day passed better than he expected.

A few hours later the brunette was standing in front of his door, accompanied by a bunch of other people.
"Let's go, huh?", Childe grinned, ready to start his new life in Liyue properly.
Ningguang was wearing a blouse and a pencil skirt combined with black high heels and a Prada bag while Keqing wore a pretty but almost too revealing dress. Only Beidou and the guy that also wore an eye patch looked exactly as Childe had expected. As if they wanted to get heavily wasted.
"Tartaglia, right? Ningguang, pleasure to meet you. Please refrain from nicknames. It impresses me how quickly you managed to get Beidou excited about you. But considering the scars on your skin, I'm able to understand.", Ningguang greeted him formally and Childe smiled politely, wondering how the two could fit together.
"Kaeya. As long as you don't collapse after two beers, I'm sure we can get along~", Kaeya said with a grin and shoved a beer in Childe's hand.
"Nah don't worry. But I'm in if you want to challenge me~", Childe replied also grinning.
"Sounds good to me."

Without knowing it, that was the moment when the evening should take a direction that Childe had not expected.

Sitting at a table in the bar, Childe watched the other guests, curious to know who Keqing might have a crush on.
"Beidou, which one is it? The redhead is the only one who works here who's kinda hot.", Childe asked in a whisper, although Keqing was distracted by talking to Ningguang.
"Oh my god please don't call my brother hot. And no, it's not him.", Kaeya replied before taking another shot.
"Eh? Ah..none of them. Babe, where's the pretty fella?", Beidou yelled, making Keqing blush heavily.
"Beidou!", Keqing hissed ashamed and stared angrily at the brunette.
"Girlie, if you wanna get laid, you gotta make an effort."
"He should be here in 20 minutes.", Ningguang answered and placed her hand on Keqing's shoulder for support.

"What about you Tartaglia? Do you have someone in Snezhnaya?", Ningguang suddenly asked to distract from Keqing's condition.
"Huh? Oh... don't ask. I'm really not in the mood for a relationship right now. It's way too strenuous for me. "
"I see- oh excuse me just a moment.", Ningguang answered when her iPhone started ringing.
"Where are you?......I beg your pardon?.... Zhongli, dear, by now you'd have to take out a loan to be able to pay off your debts.....But well, I'm coming, just a moment please.", Ningguang ended the conversation with a sigh, apologized to the others, and got up to leave the bar. A little later she returned accompanied by a dark-haired man.

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