Stammkunde 1.5 (Childe/Diluc)

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As I was asked on Ao3 and here to continue this, well, I continued it? It's served, enjoy. 😗

Just the date and stuff, no reveal, no angst. I guess I'll write a big third part one day. Maybe it's a ooc but I honestly don't care until the third part.


It felt like a tag game to hunt Diluc through the tavern, silly for two adults, but Childe would've had to lie to say that it wasn't fun. He felt at ease, free in mind, for a brief moment released from the things that haunted him and the lies he had to keep up. And Diluc felt the same, probably for the first time since a long time.

"Gotcha!", the ginger exclaimed happily, wrapping his arms around the others waist from behind, pressing him against himself to hold him in place. For a short moment, the redhead protested, squirming in the tight grip, trying to break free, before he finally admitted defeat. Diluc chuckled resting his hands on Childe's arms instead of pushing against them, leaning back a little to rest his back against the others chest.
"Do you yield?", Childe asked hearing his own pulse in his ears, his heart apparently enjoying the closeness a bit too much, breathing in the others scent. That alone would have been a good prize for winning.
"Hmmm...let me think about it..", Diluc replied just above a whisper, turning his head as much as he could to place a quick kiss on Childe's jaw. The second the ginger loosened his grip just a little out of surprise, the redhead slipped out of his hold and fled to the other side of the bar, chuckling a little.
"Never.", he stated resting his arms on the counter, now even grinning a little. Childe had seen him smile and heard him laugh by now, but grinning? That was new, especially when it was such a cheeky grin.
"Heh... now you're getting cheeky too, aren't you?", Childe was grinning too, delighted by the simple challenge, feeling oh so in love. That goddamn crush made him feel like a teenage boy again but it didn't bother him, quite the contrary, it was nice to feel something that had been denied to him at the time.
"What if? Do you have any complaints that you would like to present to me?", watching Childe come closer without moving an inch himself, the redheads grin didn't vanish. Maybe he actually felt a little like Childe did himself. He still didn't move when the other stood right infront of him or when he cupped his cheek, only when the blue-eyed leaned closer to gently connect their lips did Diluc move again, but not to run away this time. This time he nestled against the other's hand, returning the soft kiss that made his stomach feel so silly.
The soft touch of their lips turned into a heated open mouthed kiss way too quick, the quiet gasps drowning inbetween. The tingles crawling along his spine made him feel breathless, creating an urge to never stop, but just before it would cloud his mind, just before he'd allow the other to discover the heat of his mouth, Diluc broke the kiss, placing a finger on Childe's lips.
".. not until we went on a real date.", he whispered feeling a little dizzy, straightening again to flee the comforting touch on his cheek.
The slightly hazy gaze he met made him smile a little when his heart stumbled, but it just wasn't the time to give in yet.
" mean....", Childe replied quietly but chuckled as soon as he got himself up again.
"Don't tell me you're one of the no-fun-until-marriage kind of guys.", he added covering the tiny bit of fear with amusement, feeling quite impatient as he waited for an answer.
"Hmmm....what if I am?", the redhead asked sounding incredibly serious all of sudden, trying hard to hide his own amusement.
"..Then I guess I'll have to be patient until I can marry you haha.... Don't worry, I got stamina."
"......tzzk......don't get ahead of yourself now and tell me when the date should take place first.", turning to hide the faint blush that had bloomed on his cheeks, Diluc didn't notice that he had just agreed to a real date right now. When he did, it was already to late considering the huge grin on Childe's face.
"Since I guess the weekends are the busiest around here, how about monday evening?"
"'ll be monday evening then..."

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