Agreement part 1(Childe/Zhongli)

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Modern AU

In my opinion Zhongli isn't socially incompetent. Just sayin'.

Beidou calls Childe Tortilla while Childe calls her BaeDough. The chat names are written down according to this concept.

And uh..maybe I've changed my mind and now I'm doing two-part stories again ... 🙈


10 p.m.
Liuli Pavilion

Will be there

It was a strange coincidence that Childe had met Beidou on a business trip, but for some incomprehensible reason, she quickly became something like a friend. The only friend he had since he had moved to Liyue to be precise. Whenever one of them named a place and time, the other would be there too. It didn't matter why. Sometimes it was about a brawl, sometimes about coffee at Barbabucks, but whatever it was, Childe found it pleasant to meet her. She was easy to handle, fun to be with.
That their meeting point was the Liuli Pavilion was unusual, if Childe could remember correctly, the once historic building was now nothing more than a nightclub, nothing like the stuffy bar they would normally go to.
Since it was already 8 p.m. Childe decided not to think about it any further, instead, he took a shower and wondered what to wear, he hadn't been out for far too long.

Inside, back right
[Image of her and Ningguang]

Nice catch
Go get a few shots, ya?

Liuli Pavilion was a popular nightclub, no wonder Childe couldn't even see the end of the line when he finally got there after being stuck in a traffic jam for what felt like an eternity. For twenty minutes he waited patiently, but when he realized that he didn't even seem to move during this time, he decided to try another way. Until now, a good amount of Mora had always made sure that everything went as he imagined. The bouncer was quite a different caliber, huge, muscular, intimitading and well, handsome. Not exactly Childes type, but handsome.

"Theoretically, if I asked how much it would cost to let me in, what would you say?", Childe asked grinning smug as he approached the bouncer, obviously completely unimpressed by his appearance. The guy just tapped on the sign next to him that stated the entrance fee, his amber eyes fixed on Childe, also completely unimpressed.
"You know, I don't like to wait."
"Couldn't care less."
"Would you care for.. 20000 mora?"
"Forgive me, I could not make it in time.", a dark, pleasing to listen to, voice interrupted Childe's attempt at bribery as a tall slender figure pushed into his field of vision.
"Not worth mentioning.", the bouncer suddenly sounded very soft, almost docile and even smiled when he looked at the man who was now standing between him and Childe.
"Have you seen Miss Ningguang yet? She should have arrived with her partner... some time, I don't seem to remember her name anymore."
Childe was dissatisfied to have to listen to this conversation, completely ignored by both, but the stranger was at least pleasing to look at from behind. Bored at first, his eyes wandered over the other's back, lingering on the small waist for a while before they caught on his bum. An ass like this with a waist like this had to be illegal, Childe was convinced of that. He grinned a little, not noticing the bouncers intense stares and only looked up again when the man in front of him suddenly turned to him.
"Forgive me for interrupting your conversation.", Zhongli said politely, the barely visible smile enough to make Childes heart beat a little faster.
"..uh..not worth talking..about?", shit, why did he suddenly feel so confused?
"Azhdaha, could you please let him in? I will cover his entry fee as an excuse for my rudeness.", Zhongli asked turning back to the bouncer, which only groaned annoyed in return.
"That really isn't necessary....How about we-"
"If that's what you want...Still, I doubt you will be able to pay for his entrance fee.", Azhdaha interrupted Childes' attempt to invite Zhongli for a drink on purpose, but he didn't sound angry when he spoke to the dark-haired, rather teasingly.
From his perspective he could only guess the smile Azhdaha was getting from Zhongli and damn it, he was already jealous.
"I suppose that will be enough as a deposit..."
Much to Childe's disappointment, the attractive dark-haired man stretched a little to place a kiss on the bouncer's lips, gracefully, delicately.
Even if that actually led to Childe being allowed to enter the nightclub immediately and without payment, he would have preferred to pay 500,000 mora and the opportunity to hit on the dark-haired beauty. The possibly best evening in ages had instantly turned into a shitty evening now.

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